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Used Steel Wheelchair Ramps


Lowest Prices - Always In Stock! Wheelchair Ramps Wizard™ - Select the right ramps length for your wheelchair or scooter Selecting wheelchair ramps or scooter rampsWe offer a wide variety of wheelchair and scooter ramps and it is easy to get confused as to the right ramp for your situation. Wheelchair Ramp Wizard™ to help you quickly and easily find just the right ramp for you and your needs. Use this wheelchair ramp calculator with just a few clicks! Measure the Rise for the Wheelchair RampWe will need to know the total rise you are climbing with the to calculate the . This is the total vertical height you need to climb (in inches). For stairs, measure each stair and add them together. For Vans, Minivans or other vehicles, measure from the ground straight up to the highest point inside the vehicle you will need to reach. Please see our free Vehicle Wheelchair Ramp Guide For other applications, like porches, measure from the ground straight up to the highest point you will need

the wheelchair ramp to reach. This ramp will be used for: General Use Portable Ramp Van, Truck or SUV Do you need Handrails:Yes Please Select the Total Rise: 3 inches or less 35 inches or HigherA wheelchair ramp refers to an inclined plane that is constructed in place of stairs to allow wheelchair access. Wheelchairs can be pushed up or down the ramp to enter or exit a building or move between floors. In this article, will take a look at the types of wheelchair ramps, building a wheelchair ramp, buying a wheelchair ramp, wheel chair ramp specifications and legal issues. Types of Wheelchair Ramps The different types of ramps for wheelchair include threshold wheelchair ramps, vehicle wheelchair ramps, modular wheelchair ramps, portable wheel chair ramps, portable platform wheelchair ramps, and channel portable wheelchair ramps. Some people carry portable wheelchair ramps with them, because there may be some places that may not have wheelchair access.

Portable wheelchair ramps are versatile and they come in a number of shapes, sizes, and designs. A simple portable ramp can be bought for less than $50. It can be folded and kept in a vehicle. This makes it very easy to transport the ramp. A threshold wheelchair ramp is used for accessing steps, small raised floor areas, and doorway thresholds. A vehicle wheelchair ramp is used to access a vehicle. A modular wheelchair ramp is a temporary ramp that can be moved from one location to another. Building a Wheelchair Ramp To build a wheel chair ramp in any building, one needs to check out the government regulations. It is best to make a trip to the local government department to know about the regulations. Take photographs of the site and compare it to other constructions. Take actual measurement of the site and design the ramp accordingly. To draw the plan, measurements are needed to make sure the ramp comes out correctly. The drawing should include accurate measurements and structures to be used in the construction.

One may need to build the railing, landing, and leveling parts of the ramp. Always be certain to incorporate local guidelines in the construction the ramp. Another alternative is to contact a construction company to get the job done. You can also buy a modular wheelchair ramp, which comes with an instruction manual. Buying a Wheelchair Ramp When buying a wheelchair ramp, it is essential to consider your needs. Do you need a portable wheelchair ramp or a vehicle wheelchair ramp? Always try to select the material that can provide maximum durability. Usually, steel and aluminum is used in the construction of wheelchair ramps. Aluminum is very lightweight and it suits every kind of climatic conditions. Wood ramps are cheaper but they may be less durable. A steep ramp may not be good option for a place with lots of snow. The cost of suitcase folding wheelchair ramps varies, depending on the size and brand. Wheelchair Ramp Specs/Legal Issues The Americans with Disabilities Act guideline states that ramps should be constructed with minimum degree of slope and it should not rise more than 1 inch for every 12 inches.

This means that the maximum allowed slope is ratio is 1:12 for wheelchair ramps in business establishments. However, regulations may be different for residential construction. Steeper ramps may be constructed with old buildings where there is not enough space. In such cases, the maximum slope ratio is 1:10 for every 6 inches rise and 1:8 for every 3 inches rise. Check out these links for more information on wheelchair ramps. Types of Ramps: A good explanation of the different types of wheelchair ramps. Portable Wheelchair Ramps: Provides information on the various types of portable wheelchair ramps. Building Wheelchair Ramps: Come here to learn how to build a wheelchair ramp. Build a Wheelchair Ramp: Explains all aspects of the process of building a wheelchair ramp. Access Ramps: Shows how to choose the right length for wheelchair ramps. Selecting Ramps: Follow this guide to learn how to choose portable wheelchair ramps. Choice Guide: Provides some tips and suggestions to help you choose the right wheelchair ramp.

Selection Guide: Highlights some of the factors for consideration in selecting a wheelchair ramp. Discount Ramps: The store has a wide selection of wheelchair ramps at discount prices. Handi-Ramp: Offers wheelchair ramps and lifts to suit every need. Ramp Solutions: Supplies all types of wheelchair ramps. American Access: One of the leading manufacturers of wheelchair ramps on the US. Roll-a-Ramp: Revolutionary ramp which can be rolled up. The Home Wheelchair Ramp Project: Excellent starting point for people who are planning to build ramps for the home. Accessibility Guidelines: A comprehensive guide on all the requirements and elements pertaining to wheelchair access. Build a store shopping list 1000 lb. Capacity 9 in. x 72 in. Steel Loading Ramps, Set of Two 1200 lb. Capacity 30-1/4 in. x 72 in. Convertible Aluminum Loading Ramp 1500 lb. Capacity Tri-Fold Aluminum Loading Ramp 1000 lb. Capacity 10 in. x 84 in. Solid Steel Auto Ramp Set

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