used dining room set 6 chairs

used dining room set 6 chairs

used dining room chairs with arms

Used Dining Room Set 6 Chairs


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I can’t believe how spray painting the dining chairs changed the room!(For your convenience affiliate links are included in this post)And when I finished the chairs, I had to paint the china hutch.  You know how it is, one thing leads to another!I used the  HomeRight C800766 Finish Max Fine Finish Sprayer ,  I have used it several times and the results were great and fast. Just like with anything there is a learning curve. So what if you make a mistake when you first start, it’s water based paint, you can wipe it off. Trust me, you can do it!For this project I used Maison Blanche Vintage Furniture paint and the color is Cobblestone.I was able to paint and wet sand 6 chairs in an afternoon, tiring, but possible 🙂Follow the directions to put your sprayer together, easy and very few parts!  Be safe, use gloves, mask and eye protection.  Wear your paint clothes! Clean your chairs with a degreaser or water and vinegar mixture and get started.This is what I did for my project:1.  P

ut 1/4 cup clean water in paint cup.2.  Fill  with paint to the 800 ml. line, stir well.  I used a new can of paint.  If I were using a pre-opened can, I would strain the paint, to make sure there were no clumps or trash in it. I mixed up the max amount, after all I was painting 6 chairs.  For smaller amounts follow the thinning directions included with the sprayer or just play around with it, like I did.3.  Use the sprayer to paint the bottoms first and then flip the chairs over to paint the rest.  Chalky based paints dry fast, by the time I painted all 6 chairs, the first one was dry and I just started over.4. Inspect the chairs to make sure you didn’t miss any spots, spray them if you did.  And if you are like me and find that you missed a few spots after you’ve cleaned up, just use a paint brush.5. Wet Sand (video below)6. After the chairs have dried, wax with Maison Blanche Lime Wax or top-coat of your choice.Tips:  Because the paint dries quick, I finished the project the same day.  I

f you’re going to stop painting for 30 minutes or more, I would wash the sprayer completely and start over when you’re ready.  Occasionally the tip would get a build up of paint on it, I would just scrap that off with my fingernail.This sprayer is easy to use and easy to clean.Chairs lined up on a tarp and ready to be refreshed.I’ll be back with another post about the china hutch and another video about the Maison Blanche Lime Wax!And if that’s not enough,  I’m changing the fabric on the seats.Hopefully I will get that done this year 🙂Hey y’all  I am southern.  I was born in Alabama and live in Georgia and I realize you may need an interpreter 😉 Tags DIY Projects Get Instant Access »     ×  Facebook  PinterestVisit My About Page »×  Facebook  PinterestVisit My About Page »×The Restore offers used furniture to match any style be it contemporary, traditional or modern. We receive daily donations of new and gently used designer discount furniture from homes and businesses in San Mateo, San Francisco and Marin County.

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