

Jace Eireen
Jersen C.

Sunday on April 24th, running as usual days. There was nothing interest and special on that day, it really went like before. But when the clock showed 23:23, I met someone. The watch is very beautiful isn't it? Hehehe. Yes that person is Jersen. More specifically Jersen Calson.

Di hari itu, aku dan Jersen mulai jalanin hubungan 72h. Jersen is a very nice person. Pas aku ketemu sama kamu, menurutku kamu orang yg cuek tapi sweet sih🤔. Awalnya kukira kita gabakal bisa cocok, bcs kita kayak sama sama cuek, slr, dll. But my guess was wrong. Kita bisa konek satu sama lain. Walaupun terkadang aku ga paham dgn maksud kamu dan begitu pun dengan kamu.

Kita ngejalanin itu kayaknya cukup lancar. Tapi menurutku masih kaku terlebih aku, because it was the first time for me to have a relantionship with someone.

On the last dayday of our 72h relantionship, we choose to continue the relantionship, tpi bukan pacaran melainkan pdkt dulu. During that time, actually there was never a problem between the two of us. But once upon a time i felt like i would never be able to continue this with Jersen. because I feel you don't like me back, so I asked you "should we continue this or just be friends?" Actually, at that time I thought that you would say we continue as friends. but it turns out that what I thought was wrong. do you like me back?! HONESTLY, WHEN YOU SAY YOU LIKE ME BACK I FEEL HAPPY, VERY HAPPY! Since then, I have come to believe that you will never leave me.

On May 16th, not long after I asked Jersen that question, I was in shock! why am i surprised? yep right! HE ASKED ME TO BE HIS GIRLFRIEND! At first, the day was a bit boring, but suddenly he asked me to open his twitter account! I never thought that he would ask me to be his girlfriend. So without any thoughts, I opened his twitter account, and in his bio it says... "Only Jace Eireen can see" ((INI LUCU BGT PLIS SAYANG)) Yes, that's right, I was speechless at that time. I started to get nervous, when I read the tweets one by one.

Until where I open the link that contains your declaration of love, I read it to the end. You told me to think about it first to give the answer to you. what do you think? I really like you, why else have to think long to accept you as my boyfriend? It was a very, very happy day for me. because on that day, "you" and "I" became "us".

I want to say thank you very much, for trusting me to be your girlfriend. Thank you for being a good boyfriend to me, an understanding person, who patiently listens to my stories, maybe random stories that upset you.

I want to apologize if I haven't been able to be a good girlfriend for you, haven't been able to be the girlfriend you want. Sorry if I'm being childish sometimes. I know I have many flaws, but if I do something wrong please tell me, don't leave me.

It will be better if we can be together in the next month. your happiness is my happiness too, so please be happy.

Happy 1st month bby💞

Maybe you are bored reading this, but i want to say i love you anytime and you will always be my love throughout this universe!! (^з^)-☆Chu!!

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