

There was a feeling of inevitability when I met you. The sense that we would be together, that there would be a moment when you pay attention me and we would cross the threshold from friendship into something so much more.

It's been 8 months we have been in this relationship, i hope we will continue our relationship until we are separated forever, okay? i really want to thank you for your love for me, i also want to thank you for being patient with me. i hope you don't get bored with me.

you stay in my mind, You, and you, and you, who i had the fortune to meet, or maybe missed. love, love, love, it was the core of my life, from which, of course, comes the word for the heart.

i hope you have the kind of day that you really need today. if you've been carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders, i hope it all gently falls off your back today. if you've been struggling with moving forward, i hope today some of the chains finally break and allow you to move ahead. if you've been gliding through, i hope today brings you all of the joy in the world and reminds you how wonderful it is to be alive. whatever you need today, i pray it comes to you.

You are the promised kiss of springtime that makes the lonely winter seem long. you are the breathless hush of evening that trembles on the brink of a lovely song, you are the angel glow that lights a star. the dearest things i know are what you are some day, my happy arms will hold you and some day, i'll know that moment divine when all the things you are, are mine.

Happy Mensive.

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