


0.5 — 2 new upgrades of buildings, fixes and improvements

After a short pause, we present update 0.5.12 the basis for the largest update since the release, which we are preparing for the beginning of autumn.

Saves from the old version of the Wild Eight will be converted to a new format and after update your character will be at the starting point, but all items and skills will be saved. This is a necessity that will make it possible in the future to expand the world of the game without full wipe.

We have added 2 new upgrades of development workshop and the shelter: they acquired new equipment and skills of your character. Now you can get high-level items by making them out of steel - the resource, which can be created by melting iron in a furnace. The changes affected the mechanics of resource gathering: each fallen tree and the exhausted ore deposit now brings additional resources. Its number depends on the level of equipment and skills of the character.

The update contains bug fixes and improves optimization. We have paid attention to the stabilization of saves and multiplayer, excluding the corruption of saves in most cases.

To make it easier to fix bugs, we have opened access to in-game logs, which are located in the game folder.  If you find errors you may send them to the mail dk@hypetraindigital.com. These logs will be used to quickly find the cause of hard-to-test bugs.

Gameplay Improvements:

·        Improved mechanics of resource gathering - cutting down a tree or the full production of ore deposits now brings the player additional resources;

·        Previously not used in the game resource "Steel" now can be used to create high-level items

·        New structure and skill upgrades - shelter and workshop now can be upgraded to the 8th level

·        Visual enhancement of the world map will make it easier to navigate the map and find each other gamers using added coordinate system;

·        A character death spot indicator has been created to make it easier for you to find and collect your items


·        We have made some technical fixes and improved perfomance;

·        Fixed main errors that caused corruption of saves. Now a temporary file is automatically created, which will be changed with the previous stable file in case of failure;

·        The saving files are stabilized. Now your saves can be used in next game updates;

·        Several multiplayer bugs have been fixed;

·        Fixed a bug where the character losing items when player moving them to weapon slots while sleeping;

·        Fixed a bug where player tended to lose health during sleep time;

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