

Pencet ini.

First thing first, knowing I'm not a Shakespear but still challenged myself to wrote a sentence, pardon me ya Kin for the grammar, diction, or anything. I want to let you know since long ago, I find you very attractive Nan, that's why I wrote this.

Seriously, I could write a whole paragraph of konsonan langit for this. Tapi enggak deh, aku gak mau jadi Vicky Prasetyo. Anyway, pardon me writing a paragraph about you without asking, hehehe. Firstly, I'd like to apologize if you feel uncomfortable with this you could just click the exit button.

Young, pretty, humble, kind, loving and caring. That's just some synonyms that refers to you. I'm glad for meeting that all-in-one lady. I ever confessed how I feel for you and how I fell for you too. But we're ended up like we never know about each other's feeling. I apologize for that moment if it makes you feel uncomfortable and act awkwardly when we talk. So, here I am. Writing all of this embarrassing thing from the deepest of my heart.

Fyi, aku kalau ngobrol sama kamu suka mati topik dan sering gak tau mau bales apa, gak tau mau ngobrolin apa. Gak tau ketahuan sama kamu apa enggak. Habis ini semoga aku gak tremor lagi ngobrol sama kamu. Terus kemarin nemu meme yang suit this situation of me di munbase.

Meme doang (kemarin pas nemu gak aku simpen langsung, alhasil tadi bingung nyarinya)

Kinan, listen to me right quick. I adore you. I cherish you. I enjoy you. I'm grateful to be with you. I'm happy to be with you. I love when I talk to you all day long. It feels like a rollercoaster ride (in a great way). I can't say I appreciate you enough. I can't say I thank you enough. So I made this not-so-long paragraph.

So, in conclusion. Don't wanna wait more being in an-open-relationship ain't make me satisfied, just wanna be more than people labeled us. I considered this for a hundred time, what if we're in a relationship, so it's the time I'm going to make you mine.

I know people change so do you, especially after what I've done, it's possible if you're lost the feelings already. Let me know how you feel and answer through @user2261.

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