

There is no story. It’s all too numb now. I need the numbness, to forget and be able to bear this pain. They think it has to do with them. Nothing about you is involved with this. Why would you think your small bubble has any importance on my life. Like I haven’t had a life, lost love, lost loved ones, friends, betrayals, miscommunication beyond forgiveness. Grudge is when it’s too hard to let go, this isn’t grudge it’s a disfiguring amount of life scars. No one wants to see the truth. They want to see convenience, to wrap up your problems in a nice little bow and send them off. I can’t explain my problems to you who won’t listen, who doesn’t care, who only wants me to pretend to smile to ease a social obligation I’m not fulfilling. I’m useless means you can’t use me. I don’t care to be understood nor try to understand myself. No sense to be made of non sense. I can’t revisit my past life, I need to crawl forward in this one. Well, I don’t need to, but I decided to. That’s why I forgot my past. End

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