Ukraine army

Ukraine army

/news/ - Current News (Anonymous)
I have been living in Russia for about 15 years, but I am from Ukraine, from the very beginning of the war I have been tormented, it seems to me that I should go to Ukraine and join the Ukrainian army to protect my country from the invaders. I don’t know what to do, my parents say that I am Russian and my ancestors used to live in Russia, only my grandparents were exiled to Ukraine back in the USSR, I lived in Ukraine only the very childhood from which I could not even keep my memories, only individual shots, I don’t speak Ukrainian, I have a pure Russian dialect, I graduated from a Russian school, I received Russian citizenship, I live like an ordinary Russian, the only thing that connects me with Ukraine is the Ukrainian citizenship that I retained and relatives who live there, before the war I used to visit them every year during my summer holidays. Despite all this, I feel nothing for Russia but anger and hostility, but I feel the strongest love for Ukraine, apparently this is called patriotism. I tried to pacify my feelings, I sent money to support the army of Ukraine, there was not much, but I myself have very little money, this is all that I could do for Ukraine, but I think that I did not do enough, this feeling does not let me go , thoughts are constantly spinning in my head that it is worth going to Poland, crossing the border with Ukraine and joining the army of Ukraine, of course, my parents are against it, they say that they will kill me, I understand that since I am already over 18, if I enter the the territory of Ukraine, they won’t let me out, I don’t know what to do, on the one hand I don’t want to die, but on the other hand, living in Russia, I feel like a resident of the Third Reich, even worse, I feel like a British living in Germany of the Second World War. Sorry for my english, i don't know english so i use google translator.

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