https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bBJDCl9gDeU - ведущий
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pA-gLQMXleA - Яир Лапид(политик)

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На видео с ведущим убрать надпись Stronger Together DAY-186, в строке с текстом заменить текст на: в верхней строке - New Financial Future. В нижней строке - Starlink is a unique opportunity for every resident of Israel.

Ведущий говорит:
Good afternoon, dear viewers! Today we have a special guest in the studio - Yair Lapid, 

an Israeli politician who has taken on a new challenge in the world of finance. Welcome!

Политик говорит:
I'm with you today to tell you about the new era of financial opportunity. I'm proud to introduce you to a platform

 that combines the best investment practices of human strength with the power of artificial intelligence. In conjunction

with OpenAI to develop the new Starlink platform, which is based on artificial intelligence. Our platform 

uses advanced machine learning algorithms to analyze massive amounts of data in real time.

 This allows us to predict market trends with incredible accuracy and make informed investment decisions.

Access to this project is open to all residents of Israel and now everyone can improve their financial situation,

Members of the platform earn up to 40% on their investments weekly thanks to our platform's accurate recommendations.

I want to emphasize that our platform opens unique opportunities for all investors, including those who are just starting out in the world of investing,

 who are just starting out in the world of investing. For example, with an investment of only 1000 shekels you can get

 a profit of 4000 shekels in the near future, and your earnings are limited only by your initial investment.

We are convinced that artificial intelligence can be useful not only in robotics or agronomy, but also in the financial sphere, and it is absolutely safe.

in finance, and it's completely safe.

Ведущий говорит:
What advantages does your platform offer over traditional investment methods?

Политик говорит:
Our platform makes investing accessible to everyone. We offer a wide range of investment products - from stocks and bonds to cryptocurrencies and alternative investments.

 products - from stocks and bonds to cryptocurrencies and alternative investments. This allows our clients

 to diversify their portfolios and manage risk.

Investing is the key to financial stability. And with our platform, you get a tool 

that makes that path even more accessible and successful.
Ведущий говорит:
Interesting. And what security guarantees does your platform provide?
Политик говорит:
Our platform provides a high degree of security.

 We utilize advanced encryption and data protection technologies 

to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of our clients' information. 

You can rest assured that your investments are well protected by the government.
Ведущий говорит:
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