

Vladyslav Ivanisov

In the past, I used to care about what people feel and what I felt. And based on those feelings, I committed my actions. I decided, however, that emotional comfort is a deceiving thing because by following it we receive acceptance and love not for who we are and what we do, but by what we want people to think we are or think we do.

Relationships built on these wrong-value principles may look strong. Strong before the first storm, that is, when somebody who relied on us will finally see the things they didn't sign up for when letting us into their lives.

Therefore, both relationships built on lies and built only on emotional comfort are thatched houses, not the stone castles we pretend them to be.

So, why do I preserve these relationships the way I do and why do I treat a small lie in this careless way? I want to be loved and accepted and I know that the revealed truth may take everything away from me. But this truth only tells who I truly am. So, without it, the love I get is undeserved and unearned. Real love is the love built upon the truth - love disregarding the mistakes and flaws of the past and the unpleasant parts of the present. Love is not one that hides everything dark about oneself but rather reveals and embraces them.

Editors note. Loving them for what they are, not what they make themselves out to be. Affirming the person regardless of their actions and striving to build them up in an effort to push them towards future greatness.

Author: Walter Johnson

Editor: Ethan Boudreaux Long

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