

Dear Parent?Guardian

We are very excited to be attending what promises to be a very educational, inspiring and enriching trip to Plock on September the 22nd to attend a TedxYouth event. We are also in the process of ee-applying for our license to hold a similar event in our school and hope to have your child involved.

Please find the schedule for the day below:


Saturday 22nd September

Depart Warsaw Central Station at 8.30am, a seat can be reserved via Ecobus

Arrive in Plock at 10.00am


10:00 am - 11:00 am

Attendees should register themselves and take their identifiers.

Speaker Session 1

11:15 am - 12:25 pm

The first three speakers give their speeches.

Coffee Break

12:25 pm - 1:00 pm

Break between sessions.

Speaker Session 2

1:00 pm - 2:10 pm

The next three speakers present their speeches.

Meal Break

2:10 pm - 3:30 pm

Attendees have 90 minutes to eat dinner nearby.

Speaker Session 3

3:30 pm - 4:30 pm

The last two speakers deliver their speeches.

Students will need to bring a small additional amount of money to pay for lunch and bus both ways.

Depart Plock at 17.00pm, to be back in Warsaw approx 19.oopm.

Permission Slip – Please return this slip to Miss O' Looney no later than Tuesday 22nd September 2018.

I, ________________________________________________ give permission for my child __________________________ to attend the TedxYouth Event in Plock on Saturday 22nd September 2018. I agree to pay the cover of the bus and lunch for the trip, understanding that the trip is dependent on my child’s continued good behavior at school. I understand that if any incident occurs before or during the trip the school reserves the right for the pupil to be removed.


Signed______________________________  Dated____________________





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