


❓1. What springs to mind when you hear the word “travel”?

❓2. Are you a traveler? What is the best place you have ever been to? 

❓3. What is the worst place you have ever been to? 

❓4. Would you like to go travelling for a few years non-stop?

❓5. What are five common travel hassles people experience on travelling?

❓6. What do you think about “time travel”? Is it possible? Do you wish to do that?

❓7. What do you think of travelling to the space? Do you wish to try it?

❓8. Do you agree with this? - “No one doesn’t make sense what “home sweet home” means until he travels and then comes home and rest his head on his old, familiar pillow”.


🌀Cruise: sail about in an area without a precise destination, especially for pleasure:

They were cruising off the California coast.

🌀Expedition: a journey or voyage undertaken by a group of people with a particular purpose, especially that of exploration, scientific research, or war:

They had an expedition to the jungles of the Orinoco. 

🌀Peregrination: a long journey or period of wandering:

We may now continue our peregrination along the main street.

🌀Sightseeing: the activity of visiting places of interest in a particular location:

Our two-week trip combines spectacular sightseeing and superb hospitality. 

🌀Trek: a long arduous journey, especially one made on foot:

For those guests who make the trek to Rhinebeck, there will be party favors and gift bags.

#Juxtapositions 1/2

❇️Travel: (n.)


Air, airline, airplane, automobile, bus, car, jet, rail, sea, train, domestic, foreign, international, overseas, transatlantic, world, long-distance, business, corporate, adventure, leisure, holiday, vacation, first-class, frequent, space, time 


The job involves frequent travel.


Travel + —-

Agency, agent, business, company, firm, industry, market, service, arrangements, plans, budget, costs, expenses, insurance, document, schedule, destination, ban, restrictions, time, season, book, brochure, guide, literature, writing, writer, bag, companion 


The new road will reduce travel time to the airport.


From, to


The price includes travel from Bangkok to Phuket.


A/the means of travel, a/the mode of travel


The bus is their preferred mode of travel.

#Juxtapositions 2/2

❇️Travel: (v.)


Fast, quickly, slowly, regularly, widely, freely, independently, alone, together, separately, first class, tourist class, extensively, far, far and wide, abroad, overseas, home, back, back and forth, down, north, northwards


News travels fast these days.

She travels widely in her job.

The dissidents were unable to hold meetings or travel freely.

I prefer to travel independently.

We had to travel separately as we couldn't get seats on the same flight.

I always travel first class.

The job gives her the opportunity to travel overseas.

He travels back and forth across the Atlantic.


Across, along, around, at, between, by, around, from, into, through, to, with


We decided to travel by car.

We plan to travel through Thailand and into Cambodia.

He travels with a huge entourage.


Freedom to travel, go travelling/traveling, travel all over the world, travel around the world, travel back in time, travel light


When I finished college, I went traveling for six months. 

In the film, he travels back in time to the '50s.

She travels light, choosing to use as little equipment as possible.

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