


Kubova Mariya, [02.01.2023 11:46]

The Ukrainian Armed Forces gave me a little present: they set off "fireworks" in my hometown exactly at 00:00 for the mobilized russians, who had gathered in one of the dormitories.

Micomint, [02.01.2023 14:35]

I don't feel joy from the death of people, whoever they might be, especially in mass numbers.

I don't feel particular sorrow from the deaths of strangers, but a human is too valuable and slowly replenished a resource to celebrate their losses on a global scale.

So please don't write such things here.

Kubova Mariya, [02.01.2023 16:55]

A person is not a resource. And human life is worth nothing on a global scale. It is people who endowed their lives with value through humanism and all that.

Kubova Mariya, [02.01.2023 17:03]

My humanism began to fade when an 18-year-old snot threatened my father with a weapon at a checkpoint, and it became a vivid memory of my 16 years.

Kubova Mariya, [02.01.2023 17:04]

But purely out of respect for you, I won't write this here anymore.

Micomint, [02.01.2023 17:14]

Well, that's your personal opinion. I have a different one, and I've already voiced it.

Micomint, [02.01.2023 17:14]

Thank you

Red Panda, [02.01.2023 18:02]

Next time when your Sasha is trying to commit suicide - don't save him

Kubova Mariya, [02.01.2023 18:09]

Whoa. Okay. My Sasha is currently saving the lives of people who are defending our behinds. Just like my father, all the Ukrainian Armed Forces soldiers, and locals who resist. I'll remind you, they defend against those whom you can't call occupiers and criminals and pity them just because they died. Unlike those whom you pity, they are on their own land defending their own country. They didn't come to kill, plunder, and rape.

Kubova Mariya, [02.01.2023 18:09]

I think, on that note, the conversation is over

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