

How does one start training a servant?

One should understand the needs of the servant. What are their tough limitations? Once you have a great understanding of your slave, then you can start to train them.

There are various ways to train a slave. One popular method is through using a collar. Source When the slave misbehaves, the collar can be utilized to impose excellent behavior and can be taken off. Another popular way to train a slave is through making use of benefits and penalties. Rewarding a servant for good habits is a fantastic method to encourage them to continue behaving in the desired way. Penalizing a servant for misdeed is a fantastic way to prevent them from continuing to misbehave.

Among the most important things to remember when training a slave is to be consistent. Inconsistent training can be confusing for a slave and can result in them ending up being resentful. When training a servant, it is also essential to be client. Rushing a slave through their training can cause them becoming overwhelmed and stressed.

If done properly, training a servant can be a really gratifying experience for both the trainer and the slave. The servant will discover to serve and please their fitness instructor and the trainer will discover to control and dominate their servant.

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