



1. Intimacy, Having confidence: it is possible when we have awareness of the conversation topic, ...

2. Politeness, Good tempered, Little funny, ...

3. It depend on coniditions:

ex1: Family gathering: Family problems, Political and social issues, travel, Read poetry book and every issue!

Ex2: Friendly meeting: work, study, migration, personal problems😉😬,...

Ex3: Free Telegram grps or SW like this: it depend on my mood😅: 

*if i was ok, i like to talk aba sth that is targeted and add to my knowledge: Introduction of Culture and Religion, philosophical debate about the purpose of human creation, ..

*If i wasnt in good mood, just making polite funny issues and annoy someone with respectful methods and And away from insults.😬

Ex4: Specialized Telegram Groups or SW like this: im very serious and I've totally official talking!

4. there is four case that make me upset:

🔶Disrespect of someone to cultures, Religions, tact,... 

🔷continue a issue more than usuall!

🔶Getting into privacy 

🔷Judging by low awareness and subjective background

But i can forgive them:)


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