To the Moon

To the Moon


Sigmund Corp. uses a technology that can create artificial memories. They offer this as a "wish fulfillment" service to people on their death beds. Since these artificial memories conflict with the patient's real memories, the procedure is only legal to do on people without much time left to live.

Sigmund Corp. employees Dr. Eva Rosalene and Dr. Neil Watts are tasked with fulfilling the lifelong dream of the dying Johnny Wyles. Johnny wants to go to the moon, although he doesn't know why. The doctors insert themselves into an interactive compilation of his memories and traverse backwards through his life via mementos. With each leap to an important moment in Johnny's memories, they learn more about him and what brought him to his current position in life, including his largely unhappy marriage to his childhood sweetheart, River. Upon reaching his childhood, the doctors attempt to insert his desire to go to the moon. In theory, Johnny's mind would create new memories based on that desire, and Johnny would die believing he lived without any regrets.


Игра рассказывает о двух докторах — Еве Розалин и Ниле Уоттсе, которые занимаются достаточно необычным делом. Они, буквально говоря, дают людям ещё один шанс прожить жизнь — путём создания искусственных воспоминаний в разуме пациента. Однако возникающий конфликт между настоящим и искусственным позволяет практиковать такие операции только для людей, которые находятся на смертном одре. Чтобы осуществить то, что они мечтали сделать за свою жизнь… но не сделали.

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