

The big problem with the X is that they don't dare to meet in the real world anymore, because they never know who they're going to run into, less radical, more radical, infiltrators... 

how do you identify the 1% of X , among a population of 30.000 students or of 500.000 inhabitants ? By definition, X are hidding because they are demonized, we can't just go directly to them.

To recruit people you should do it by 

Targeting very precise people that may be interested in your idea

So going to places / club / actuvities were this kind of person can be found

Then create a real friendship with them and radicalise them slowly

Strengthen this group of like-minded people by doing a LOT of social activities. And very few politics.

The Funnel Strategy

We have to join or organice several small, public and mainstream subgroups in several layers. First completely mainstream but connoted clubs, which filter towards more restricted clubs, and even more restricted clubs, and so on. the Tiers which we will explain later.

Tier 1: Mainstream

Tier 2: Mainstream, but more radical topics.

Tier 4: Core Group, Pure militancy, direct action, real friends

How to Act in each Tier, First is to Gather information. 

First focus on befriending people, know the people in the groups, the leaders, the activities and other groups related to this one which will allow you to bridge over to there if the first group is not suitable for recruitment.

Don't show your full power level. You shouldn't go full controversial and radical, The moment the group recognises you as a radical, you will be sidelined. Therefore focus on knowing the group's members first, before getting too open about your own beliefs.

Respect the hiearchy, get closer to them, dont go in the group with the will of changing it. be part of their activities and help them generally. you can show you are a guy whom they can respect through that which will greatly help. 

You should also go too to their purelly social activies (like going to the bar ) even if you dont like them, they are worth it because brings people closer and makes easier knowing the members in less time than without it. 

Tier 1 - Mainstream

University clubs : like cinema groups, history groups, debate groups, a school homework support group.

Normie / Average parish groups : In that case, consider asking your priest about groups of young people and usually he will be able to direct you somewhere, these kinds can be used as a starting point to get to know other communities in your area which are better.

Each of these groups, you can just join them, its not necesarily to create or direct them by your group. Each one of these groups functioned totally independently of your group.

But in each group there was at least one of us, and within these groups we would SPOT the person we suspected of belonging to the 1%, or having conservative views. These people, we tried afterwards to integrate them in our circle of friends, 

Both in the campus which is easy because don't know many people or in parish groups where while gathering info you can notice those who are more sidelined, their topics of talking and then we start, between two drinks, to titillate them on sensitive subjects, you let them react, we test them. 

Then they can move on to TIER 2. 

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