


Walter shut the door behind him and stepped out into
the cool of the night. A criminal escaping from the
scene of his crime, escaping from the spectacle of the
victim, escaping from compassion and remorse, could
not have felt more profoundly relieved. In the street
he drew a deep breath. He was free. Free from re-
collection and anticipation. Free, for an hour or two,
to refuse to admit the existence of past or future. Free
to live only now and here, in the place where his body
happened at each instant to be. Free — but the boast
was idle ; he went on remembering. Escape was not
so easy a matter. Her voice pursued him. ‘ I insist on
your going.’ His crime had been a fraud as well as a
murder. ‘ I insist.’ How nobly he had protested !
How magnanimously given in at last ! It was card-
sharping on top of cruelty.

* God ! * he said almost aloud. * How could I ? ’
He was astonished at himself as well as disgusted. ‘ But
if only she ’d leave me in peace ! ’ he went on. ‘ Why
can’t she be reasonable ? ' The weak and futile anger
exploded again within him.

He thought of the time when his wishes had been
different Not to be left in peace by her had once been
his whole ambition. He had encouraged her devotion.
He remembered the cottage they had lived in, alone
with one another, month after month, among the bare
downs. What a view over Berkshire ! But it was a

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