@alex92dmitriev with @andreyprokofev

Price: $12

Mix GEO | PZRD Account | Powerful manual farming for 14 days | Top-notch quality | FanPage filled | Personal Ad Account + Business Manager 50$ | User-Agent | Cookie | Browser anti-detect settings | Account Token | BM Token


  • Mix GEO. There are different GEOs, mainly France, England, there is also Canada, Ukraine, Switzerland, USA, Italy, Spain. You can choose a GEO from the available ones that suits you.
  • PZRD Account. Passed the restriction on advertising activities.
  • Powerful manual farming for 14 days | Top-notch quality. Watching videos. Interacting with the Facebook search engine. Games. Completing courses. Stories. Interacting with Ads. Events. Account setup. Working with account settings. An average of 120 friends (average number of friends per 10 accounts).
  • Fingerprint filled. Working with FunPage settings. A post on FunPage with reposts to personal messages.
  • Personal Ad Account + Business Manager 50$. Creating and setting up Business Manager.
  • User-Agent | Cookie | Browser anti-detect settings | Account Token | BM Token. The account is provided with anti-detect settings for maximum efficiency when importing the account. Instructions on how to import into Dolphin, Octo, AdsPower (similarly applicable to other anti-detect tools) are included with the account.

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