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The Lego Movie Yahoo Reviews


A Lego Brickumentary (2014) 31 July 2015 (USA) 1 more credit » 40 news articles » Of all the toys arising from the 20th century, there has never been one like Lego bricks. This film covers the history of this product of Denmark and how it arose from a toy company with an owning family that refused to let either hard times or multiple fiery disasters get them down. Furthermore, we also explore the various aficionados of the product like the collectors, hobbyists, artists, architects, engineers, scientists and doctors who have found uses for this classic construction toy that go far beyond children's playtime. See All (20) » Add content advisory for parents » Release Date: 31 July 2015 (USA) Also Known As: Beyond the Brick: A Lego Brickumentary References The Simpsons (1989) Contribute to This PageMovie review: ‘LEGO Batman’ has some laughs, but lacks depthSkip to main content area The LEGO Movie: why R2-D2 was cut out

Still one of the very finest animated treats of 2014, The LEGO Movie - complete with that song - has been on constant rewatch in many people's houses since it landed on DVD and Blu-ray. Furthermore, it's a good bet for Oscar nominations, in the animated film category and for, well, that aforementioned musical number too. In an new interview with Yahoo, writers and directors Chris Miller and Phil Lord have revealed that in the galaxy of characters they were able to cram into The LEGO Movie, there was a plan for at least one more: R2-D2. Miller confirmed that R2-D2 would have had a prominent role too, being a "Batman-level character" in the movie. So no shortage of screen time then. Phil Lord added that "we figured we could get R2-D2 because his voice wasn't a human being". So what went wrong? Well, you can probably guess. Disney refused to play ball. And whilst it allowed brief appearances from Han Solo, C-3PO, Lando and the Millennium Falcon, having R2-D2 in a sizeable role was a no-no. "A kid doesn't have lawyers that won't allow the toys to play together", said Miller.

As for The LEGO Movie 2, Chris Miller confirmed to the BBC that they were planning more female roles for the new film, that the pair are penning the script for. "I don't want to give spoilers but there will be more female characters and more female stuff", he said. The LEGO Movie 2 is currently earmarked for release in 2018.And be our Facebook chum here. Check out our 2 cheats & codes for The LEGO Movie Videogame. Or read the IGN Guide. 2 CheatsSubmit a Cheat.ign_cheatsPant CodesAt the oversized LEGO box in Bricksburg, you can enter the codes below to unlock the corresponding pants for your character (which you otherwise must find and unlock over the course of the game). 6LK78NN9 or HVLH63VL - Angry Kitty & Construction Pants 6LKMNDHR or HVLLRX6R - Blacktron Fan & Musical Pants 6LK3FRL6 or HVL4TQT4 - Johnny Thunder & Super Secret Pants 6LK3RRY4 or HVL4TB94 - Robo Pilot & Astro Pants ammex_2048earthpalmsCharacter Unlock CodesAt the oversized LEGO box in Bricksburg, you can enter the codes below to unlock the corresponding character (who is otherwise made available over the course of the game and then unlocked using collected studs as payment).

F3VG47 - Abraham Lincolin FNHLTK - Emmet (Clown) UOOAQY - Emmet (Lizard) HJ4C21 - Emmet (Pajamas) NIHX2B - Emmet (Old West) FXP9AN - Gallant Guard OSSVNI - Green Ninja A76DN7 - Lady Liberty K7TDXJ - Larry The Barista KGJ4DU - Lord Vampyre UP7HJQ - Mrs. Scratchen-Post NG73OM - Panda Guy GFH2F8 - Robo SWAT (Laser) BID12F - Swamp Creature BC2XJ5 - Vitruvious (Young) At the oversized LEGO box in Bricksburg, you can enter the codes below to unlock the corresponding character (who is otherwise made available over the course of the game and then unlocked using collected studs as payment). You must be Logged in to submit a cheat. The LEGO Movie Videogame E10+ for Everyone 10 and older PS3, Xbox One, PC, Wii U, Xbox 360, PS4, iPhone, Vita, Mac Games You May Like The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Pokemon Alpha Sapphire Version Pokemon Omega Ruby Version Download reports from the LEGO Group below:

Download our Responsibility Report: Global Reporting Initiative Index 2015 Global Reporting Initiative Index 2014 Global Reporting Initiative Index 2013Hello Clever People, and welcome to my review for The LEGO Batman Movie! This animated spin-off of 2014’s The LEGO Movie follows Batman, a crime fighting hero that must face overwhelming boredom when all of the super villains he fought suddenly give up. Through this, he discovers the power of family through a young orphan he adopted, and many other people that change his life. MOVIE REVIEW: The brick knight falls to pieces in 'Lego Batman'At first look, The LEGO Movie Videogame seems like more of the same. Characters run around smashing stuff, collecting LEGO Studs, solving puzzles, and building objects. As a game based on a movie based on a line of toys, you might think the whole thing reeks of a cash-in. As in the movie, the star of the game is Emmet Brickowski, a common construction worker who gets wrapped up in an epic adventure spanning many of the LEGO worlds.

The concept is actually as meta as they come. The world of The LEGO Movie is constructed out of LEGOs, and by all appearances, everyone knows it. This leads to the first major change from other LEGO games—here, everything is made out of LEGOs. The game doesn’t include any realistic backgrounds; It’s an interesting aesthetic, and it’s one that works surprisingly well. The plastic world shines in a way previous games couldn’t, and the look even adds to the humor, since just seeing things like water made of LEGOs is quite funny. Dig deeper, and you’ll find some other major differences. Regular characters can only build objects with an instruction book, like the ones that come in a LEGO set. In order to construct something, Emmet must find the instructions (usually split into two or three pieces and scattered), go to the designated spot, and build there. This is done through a minigame that sees you choosing missing pieces off a radial menu. If you’re fast enough, you’ll get a nice Stud bonus;

making mistakes or going too slow costs you that bonus. Some characters, however, are Master Builders—those with the imagination to build things without instructions. These are the only ones who can assemble those bouncing piles of bricks that sometimes appear when you break surrounding objects. Additionally, they can also uncover special building spots where you stand in a circle and highlight several surrounding objects. Once these are selected, the Master Builder will go on a spree, deconstructing and constructing some truly impressive models. These sequences make cooperation (or, for solo players, switching between characters) more necessary than ever, and it really adds to the fun. Of course, during the story your party will always include the necessary characters to advance. However, levels are still scattered with specific optional goals that you’ll need specific types of Minifigs to bypass. This makes it necessary to revisit areas in Free Play mode to unlock all of the game’s secrets.

Graphically, The LEGO Movie Videogame stands out from previous entries in the series. Instead of having the destructible objects made from LEGOs while everything else is smoothly rendered, here everything is constructed from the ubiquitous bricks. It gives the game a different feel and a striking appearance, particularly on new-generation consoles where the whole thing feels like you’re playing inside the movie. Another particular high point is the voice acting, which offers all the humor from the movie. Personally, I’ve always wanted to play Morgan Freeman in a game (at least since my idea for a Shawshank Redemption RPG was rejected by all major game publishers), and doing so now makes me want to let loose with a happy dance. A few minor issues mar the experience at times. The first problem is the story: It mirrors the movie, but the tale isn’t told nearly as well here. It comes off very disjointed and leaves big gaps that need explanation. Players would do well to see the movie first, both to avoid spoilers and to get a better idea of what’s going on.

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