the lego movie unlock codes

the lego movie unlock codes

the lego movie unlikely heroes

The Lego Movie Unlock Codes


Codes and Cheats - The LEGO Movie Videogame wiki The Lego Movie Videogame Character Codes Emmet (Lizard) — UOOAQY Mrs Scratchen-Post — UP7HJQ Larry the Barista — K7TDXJ The Lego Movie Videogame Vehicle Codes Flying Ice Cream Machine (land/air) — Flying Police Car (air) — Getaway Glider (air) — Robo Police SWAT Car (land) — Trash Chomper (land/air) — Wyldstyle’s Dragster (land) — The Lego Movie Videogame Red Brick Codes “Studs Score Multiplier x 2″ Red Brick — This is a wiki page that logged in users can edit. Create an account or log in to make changes. Create New Account or Log in to commentThe Lego Movie Videogame: Cheats für Charaktere, Bonus-Items und mehr 11.04.2014 um 08:00 Uhr The Lego Movie Videogame - Cheats für das kommende Lego-Abenteuer. Im April erscheint das neue Lego-Spiel in Deutschland, in den USA ist The Lego Movie Videogame bereits für PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PS Vita und Nintendo 3DS erhältlich.

Deshalb liefern wir euch bereits jetzt Cheats zu The Lego Movie Videogame, mit denen ihr versteckte Charaktere und Items freischaltet. The Lego Movie Videogame Cheats für Charaktere, Bonus-Inhalte und mehr: In unseren Tipps zu The Lego Movie Videogame verraten wir euch Cheat-Codes zu freischaltbaren Charakteren und Bonus-Inhalten im Spiel. Außerdem erhaltet ihr Tipps zum Bonus-Raum und den Charakter-Preisen. Wir beginnen mit den The Lego Movie Videogame Cheats. Hierfür nutzt ihr die Option Extras im Haupmenü und klickt dann den Punkt "Code eingeben" an. Dort gebt ihr dann die unten aufgeführten Cheat-Codes zu Spiel ein. Unterhalb der Cheats zu The Lego Movie Videogame nutzt ihr die Cheat-Codes für die Bonus-Inhalte in The Lego Movie Videogame. Dabei begebt ihr euch im Spiel zur Polizeistation in Bricksberg. Umgeben von Studs findet ihr dort ein Terminal, das ihr benutzt und die unten aufgeführten Cheat-Codes zu den Bonus-Inhalten eingebt. Am Ende verraten wir euch noch Details zum Bonus-Raum sowie den freischaltbaren Charakteren in The Lego Movie Videogame.

Das Spiel erscheint am 11. April für alle Konsolen und PC in Deutschland. In den USA ist The Lego Movie Videogame bereits seit Februar erhältlich. In unserem Test zu The Lego Movie Videogame lest ihr alle Details über die Stärken und Schwächen des Spiels. The Lego Movie Videogame - Cheats für das SpielNutzt im Menü "Extras" den Punkt "Code eingeben", um folgende Cheats in The Lego Movie Videogame zu aktivieren.EreignisCheat für The Lego Movie VideogameAbraham LincolinF3VG47CleopatraP4YX22Emmet (Clown)FNHLTKEmmet (Lizard)UOOAQYEmmet (Pajamas)HJ4C21Emmet (Old West)NIHX2BGallant GuardFXP9ANGreen NinjaOSSVNILady LibertyA76DN7Larry The BaristaK7TDXJLord VampyreKGJ4DUMrs. Scratchen-postUP7HJQPanda GuyNG73OMProspectorFHNCD1Robo SWAT (Laser)GFH2F8Shakespear31S3I5Swamp CreatureBID12FVitruvious (Young)BC2XJ5YetiV4P96PThe Lego Movie Videogame - Cheats für Bonus-InhalteUm die The Lego Movie Videogame Cheats für Bonus-Inhalte zu aktivieren, sucht ihr nahe der Polizeistation in Bricksberg nach einem von Studs umgebenen Terminal.

Dort gebt ihr folgende Cheats zu The Lego Movie Videogame ein.EreignisCheatEmmet's Construct-o-Mech6LK78NN9 oder HVLH63VLRescue Reinforcements6LKMNDHR oder HVLLRX6RSuper Secret Police Dropship6LK3FRL6 oder HVL4TQT4Benny's Spaceship6LK3RRY4 oder HVL4TB94The Lego Movie Videogame - Der Bonus-RaumThe Lego Movie Videogame - Bilder aus dem Abenteuer (4)Quelle: PC GamesUm den Bonus-Raum freizuspielen, schließt ihr The Lego Movie Videogame komplett ab. Um die letzten 10 Goldbarren zu erhalten, erreicht ihr alle Ziele im Bonus-Raum. Achtung: Für einen der Goldbarren erfüllt ihr eine spezielle Voraussetzung: Ihr müsst eine Million Studs im Bonus-Raum ohne Multiplikatoren einheimsen.The Lego Movie Videogame - Freischaltbare CharaktereFür eine gewisse Anzahl an Studs erwerbt ihr folgende Charaktere in The Lego Movie Videogame.Astro Kitty - 200,000 studsBiznis Kitty - 150,000 studsBruce Wayne - 50,000 studsCalamity Drone - 500,000 studsCalimity Drone - 500,000 studsCardio Carrie - 10,000 studsCaveman - 100,000 studsCleopatra - 150,000 studsDemolition Guy - 50,000 studsDeputron: 150,000 studsDr.

McScrubs - 10,000 studsEl Macho Wrestler - 100,000 studsEmmet (Clown) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Lego Piece) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Pyjamas) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Shower) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Surgeon) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Trash Can) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Woodsman) - 50,000 studsExecutive Ellen - 10,000 studsFemBot - 150,000 studsFrank the Foreman - 25,000 studsGallant Guard - 50,000 studsGarbageman Grant - 10,000 studsGood Cop (Scribble Face) - 300,000 studsGordon Zola - 10,000 studsGreen Ninja - 250,000 studsHank Haystacks - 25,000 studsHot Tub Harry - 50,000 studsIce Cream Jo - 10,000 studsIce Cream Mike - 10,000 studsKabob Bob - 10,000 studsLady Liberty - 150,000 studsLord Business (Minifigure) - 1,000,000 studsLord Vampyre - 100,000 studsMa Cop - 25,000 studsMagician - 100,000 studsMetalBeard (Minifigure) - 250,000 studsMichelangelo - 100,000 studsMummy - 100,000 studsNative - 100,000 studsPa Cop - 25,000 studsPanda Guy - 150,000 studsPlumber Joe - 10,000 studsPresident Business - 1,000,000 studsProspector - 25,000 studsRobo (Construction) - 75,000 studsRobo (Demolition) - 100,000 studsRobo Cowboy - 125,000 studsRobo Fed - 25,000 studsRobo Skeleton - 150,000 studsRobo SWAT (Armour) - 125,000 studsRobo SWAT (Laser) - 50,000 studsRobo SWAT (Rocket) - 125,000 studsRobo SWAT - 50,000 studsShakespear - 100,000 studsSharon Shoehorn - 10,000 studsSheriff-Not-A-Robot - 500,000 studsSir Stack-a-Brick - 50,000 studsTaco Tuesday Guy - 10,000 studsTest Dummy - 100,000 studsTomahawk - 150,000

studsVelma Staplebot - 50,000 studsVitruvius (Ghost) - 750,000 studsWhere Are My Pant? Guy - 10,000 studsWildstyle (Space) - 75,000 studsWiley Fusebot - 125,000 studsWitch - 150,000 studsWyldstyle (Hood) - 50,000 studsYeti - 100,000 studs The LEGO Movie Videogame 01.03.2017 - 19:13 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 18:43 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 18:16 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 17:12 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 17:05 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 16:48 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 16:40 UhrIn The Lego Movie Video Game, you star as Emmet, an ordinary guy who desperately wants to fit in and have some friends. However, after stumbling upon the Piece of Resistance, Emmet's life gets a lot more interesting. Throughout the game you'll also play as Wild Style and many other characters from the movie as you work your way through over 40 levels. Along the way you'll have to be creative and watch for clues in order to unlock the next stage. So here are our top tips, hints, and cheats to help you make your way through the entire Lego Movie Video Game for iPhone and iPad!

$4.99 + IAP - Download now Each level offers a plethora of mini-challenges that you can complete for even extra points and prizes. At the beginning of each level you'll see a screen that you can tap on different tiles in order to see what you have to do to complete each one. Doing these mini-challenges get you way more Lego studs to use towards purchasing characters and they sometimes are even necessary to get further into the game, so pay attention to them. Watch for the red glow Red bricks can prove tricky to find at times but just watch for the red glow. Sometimes you may have to take a direct hit in order to collect a red brick but 9 times out of 10, it's worth it. Sometimes you'll run into what you think is a dead end but it really isn't. The next part of the puzzle is most likely just hidden. In some cases it may be as simple as smashing a barrel or a pile of rubble. In the beginning, this is how you'll find pieces for Wild Style to build. When you pause the game, you can switch to a classic controller type if you choose.

Anyone who is used to a D-pad or just prefers physical controls can give this a try. You can even hook up an accessory controller if you have one. Packages deals are better If you insist on buying your favorite characters by purchasing yellow bricks, be sure to check out the bundles that are offered. They are almost always a better deal than buying individual characters. Don't buy to beat That being said, you don't actually have to spend any real money in order to beat The Lego Movie Video Game. Instead, just work your way through the story lines and you'll unlock new characters and end up unlocking achievements faster than you'd think. Game play itself isn't actually hard or difficult, so sit back and enjoy the story line and complete as many mini-games as you can! There are some situations where certain characters are better suited than others. For example, Wild Style has special moves that make her better at combat than Emmet. Whenever a bunch of enemies are descending upon you at once, try switching to Wild Style instead and letting her take care of the situation.

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