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The Lego Movie Videogame: Cheats für Charaktere, Bonus-Items und mehr 11.04.2014 um 08:00 Uhr The Lego Movie Videogame - Cheats für das kommende Lego-Abenteuer. Im April erscheint das neue Lego-Spiel in Deutschland, in den USA ist The Lego Movie Videogame bereits für PC, PS4, Xbox One, Xbox 360, PS3, Wii U, PS Vita und Nintendo 3DS erhältlich. Deshalb liefern wir euch bereits jetzt Cheats zu The Lego Movie Videogame, mit denen ihr versteckte Charaktere und Items freischaltet. The Lego Movie Videogame Cheats für Charaktere, Bonus-Inhalte und mehr: In unseren Tipps zu The Lego Movie Videogame verraten wir euch Cheat-Codes zu freischaltbaren Charakteren und Bonus-Inhalten im Spiel. Außerdem erhaltet ihr Tipps zum Bonus-Raum und den Charakter-Preisen. Wir beginnen mit den The Lego Movie Videogame Cheats. Hierfür nutzt ihr die Option Extras im Haupmenü und klickt dann den Punkt "Code eingeben" an. Dort gebt ihr dann die unten aufgeführten Cheat-Codes zu Spiel ein. Unterhalb der Cheats zu The Lego Movie Videogame nutzt ihr die Cheat-Codes für die Bonus-Inhalte in The Lego Movie Videogame.

Dabei begebt ihr euch im Spiel zur Polizeistation in Bricksberg. Umgeben von Studs findet ihr dort ein Terminal, das ihr benutzt und die unten aufgeführten Cheat-Codes zu den Bonus-Inhalten eingebt. Am Ende verraten wir euch noch Details zum Bonus-Raum sowie den freischaltbaren Charakteren in The Lego Movie Videogame. Das Spiel erscheint am 11. April für alle Konsolen und PC in Deutschland. In den USA ist The Lego Movie Videogame bereits seit Februar erhältlich. In unserem Test zu The Lego Movie Videogame lest ihr alle Details über die Stärken und Schwächen des Spiels. The Lego Movie Videogame - Cheats für das SpielNutzt im Menü "Extras" den Punkt "Code eingeben", um folgende Cheats in The Lego Movie Videogame zu aktivieren.EreignisCheat für The Lego Movie VideogameAbraham LincolinF3VG47CleopatraP4YX22Emmet (Clown)FNHLTKEmmet (Lizard)UOOAQYEmmet (Pajamas)HJ4C21Emmet (Old West)NIHX2BGallant GuardFXP9ANGreen NinjaOSSVNILady LibertyA76DN7Larry The BaristaK7TDXJLord VampyreKGJ4DUMrs.

Scratchen-postUP7HJQPanda GuyNG73OMProspectorFHNCD1Robo SWAT (Laser)GFH2F8Shakespear31S3I5Swamp CreatureBID12FVitruvious (Young)BC2XJ5YetiV4P96PThe Lego Movie Videogame - Cheats für Bonus-InhalteUm die The Lego Movie Videogame Cheats für Bonus-Inhalte zu aktivieren, sucht ihr nahe der Polizeistation in Bricksberg nach einem von Studs umgebenen Terminal. Dort gebt ihr folgende Cheats zu The Lego Movie Videogame ein.EreignisCheatEmmet's Construct-o-Mech6LK78NN9 oder HVLH63VLRescue Reinforcements6LKMNDHR oder HVLLRX6RSuper Secret Police Dropship6LK3FRL6 oder HVL4TQT4Benny's Spaceship6LK3RRY4 oder HVL4TB94The Lego Movie Videogame - Der Bonus-RaumThe Lego Movie Videogame - Bilder aus dem Abenteuer (4)Quelle: PC GamesUm den Bonus-Raum freizuspielen, schließt ihr The Lego Movie Videogame komplett ab. Um die letzten 10 Goldbarren zu erhalten, erreicht ihr alle Ziele im Bonus-Raum. Achtung: Für einen der Goldbarren erfüllt ihr eine spezielle Voraussetzung: Ihr müsst eine Million Studs im Bonus-Raum ohne Multiplikatoren einheimsen.

The Lego Movie Videogame - Freischaltbare CharaktereFür eine gewisse Anzahl an Studs erwerbt ihr folgende Charaktere in The Lego Movie Videogame.Astro Kitty - 200,000 studsBiznis Kitty - 150,000 studsBruce Wayne - 50,000 studsCalamity Drone - 500,000 studsCalimity Drone - 500,000 studsCardio Carrie - 10,000 studsCaveman - 100,000 studsCleopatra - 150,000 studsDemolition Guy - 50,000 studsDeputron: 150,000 studsDr. McScrubs - 10,000 studsEl Macho Wrestler - 100,000 studsEmmet (Clown) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Lego Piece) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Pyjamas) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Shower) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Surgeon) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Trash Can) - 50,000 studsEmmet (Woodsman) - 50,000 studsExecutive Ellen - 10,000 studsFemBot - 150,000 studsFrank the Foreman - 25,000 studsGallant Guard - 50,000 studsGarbageman Grant - 10,000 studsGood Cop (Scribble Face) - 300,000 studsGordon Zola - 10,000 studsGreen Ninja - 250,000 studsHank Haystacks - 25,000 studsHot Tub Harry - 50,000 studsIce Cream Jo - 10,000 studsIce Cream Mike - 10,000 studsKabob Bob - 10,000 studsLady Liberty - 150,000 studsLord Business (Minifigure) - 1,000,000

studsLord Vampyre - 100,000 studsMa Cop - 25,000 studsMagician - 100,000 studsMetalBeard (Minifigure) - 250,000 studsMichelangelo - 100,000 studsMummy - 100,000 studsNative - 100,000 studsPa Cop - 25,000 studsPanda Guy - 150,000 studsPlumber Joe - 10,000 studsPresident Business - 1,000,000 studsProspector - 25,000 studsRobo (Construction) - 75,000 studsRobo (Demolition) - 100,000 studsRobo Cowboy - 125,000 studsRobo Fed - 25,000 studsRobo Skeleton - 150,000 studsRobo SWAT (Armour) - 125,000 studsRobo SWAT (Laser) - 50,000 studsRobo SWAT (Rocket) - 125,000 studsRobo SWAT - 50,000 studsShakespear - 100,000 studsSharon Shoehorn - 10,000 studsSheriff-Not-A-Robot - 500,000 studsSir Stack-a-Brick - 50,000 studsTaco Tuesday Guy - 10,000 studsTest Dummy - 100,000 studsTomahawk - 150,000 studsVelma Staplebot - 50,000 studsVitruvius (Ghost) - 750,000 studsWhere Are My Pant? Guy - 10,000 studsWildstyle (Space) - 75,000 studsWiley Fusebot - 125,000 studsWitch - 150,000 studsWyldstyle (Hood) - 50,000 studsYeti - 100,000 studs

The LEGO Movie Videogame 01.03.2017 - 19:13 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 18:43 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 18:16 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 17:12 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 17:05 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 16:48 Uhr 01.03.2017 - 16:40 UhrBatman 2: DC Super Heroes - PSV Our community, 29 want it The Lord of the Rings Video Game Our community, 23 want it Legends of Chima Laval's Journey PS Vita Video Game Our community, 20 want it Our community, 18 want it The LEGO Movie Video Game Our community, 26 want it The LEGO Movie PS Vita Video Game The Hobbit PS Vita Video Game Our community, 17 want it LEGO Batman 3 Beyond Gotham PlayStation Vita Our community, 16 want it NINJAGO Shadow of Ronin Our community, 11 want it Pairs up brilliantly with the movie Nice balance between platformer and puzzler elements Smart progression from exploration to full on action Lack of ambition – we've seen it all before Available on iOS (tested), Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, 3DS, Wii U, PS Vita, PC and MacIt's hard to believe that Denmark's greatest export, LEGO, seemed to have reached the end of the line 15 or so years ago.

Superseded for many by videogames, block by block the company's empire appeared to be crumbling around it – until, that is, it started pushing out toys based around some of Hollywood's biggest IP. LEGO left its own world and started tapping into the respective universes of others, with Traveller's Tales' tie-ins across console and, later on, mobile further extending its reach. The LEGO Movie Videogame, then, feels like something of a homecoming, bringing together all the elements that have rejuvenated the product in one single release; a LEGO game, based on a movie that was itself based on LEGO. But does it stand up as the ultimate LEGO release to date? As fitting as such a tribute might be, sadly not. For clarification, The LEGO Movie Videogame is by no means a bad game. Roughly following the plot of the 2014 smash hit, Traveller's Tales has tapped into now familiar formula of mixing 3D platforming action with a series of simple puzzles, all played out in a largely open world that you can smash up for scores of LEGO based trinkets and explore at your own pace.

Whether you've taken on a LEGO game on console or mobile, you'll understand just what's required here within minutes. After an opening tutorial stage, play initially revolves around film lead and all round 'good guy' Emmett as he transitions from construction worker to have-a-go hero. By default, controls are handled by an occasionally awkward combination of swipes and taps, with tracing your finger across the screen controlling Emmett's movement, Though the game makes a habit of marking out objects you can interact with from start to finish, this set up is far from ideal, and you can easily find yourself looking as if you're attempting to swat a fly that's landed on your phone's screen rather than playing a game. The alternative – a virtual d-pad – is a touch more precise but still feels like a compromise rather than a smart design choice.See also: Best iPhone Games 2015All this aside, The LEGO Movie Videogame comes with all the charm, colour and humour that's part and parcel of a LEGO release.

The standard stages – which, though linear - allow you to wander around at your leisure, smashing into objects to project LEGO pieces across the floor and, especially in the opening stages, watch the world Emmett inhabits go by. Their impact, however, is deadened somewhat by the clips from the movie that sandwich the gameplay. Such was the visual quality of the film that the game, though no slouch when it comes to looks, comes off second best by quite a distance, and the distinct difference in visual styles – the shiny, plasticy tones of the game standing in contrast to the movie's more matt finish – undermines the experience as a whole. There's an also an odd system used to unlock the game's full roster of characters, which players can fast track by spending a few pounds via an in-app purchase or two. However, the menu screens that handle all such actions are so utterly confusing and devoid of instruction that it becomes far too easy to ignore them altogether early on, which presumably was not Traveller's Tales' intent.

See also: Best iPad GamesNevertheless, all these criticisms feel like mere dressing to the main event, which is an entertaining action-based platformer (interspersed, it should be noted, with the odd driving section just to keep things interesting.) For newcomers to the LEGO series – presumably fans of the movie – The LEGO Movie Videogame is welcoming enough to draw players in, and it's focus on the film's plot gives the game the kind of narrative platformers without a recognisable IP would kill for. For LEGO regulars, however, there's an argument to suggest that the formula is starting to feel a little stale and, for those eager for something fresh, this would have been the ideal game in the series to take a few risks within. The LEGO Movie Videogame serves as the perfect epitome of the last decade of LEGO games, wrapping the franchise up perfectly but, for better or worse, failing to point the way as to just what's next.VerdictThe LEGO Movie Videogame follows the LEGO formula Traveller's Tales has established during the last decade to the letter, delivering a mobile game that serves as the perfect companion to the movie itself but lacks the ambition to do anything new with the open plan 3D platformer.

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