the lego movie karlsruhe

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The Lego Movie Karlsruhe


Where do you want to go? > New York City Movies > Despicable Me 2 1 hr, 38 min. Now that Gru (Steve Carell) has forsaken a life of crime to raise Margo, Agnes and Edith, he's trying to figure out how to... Despicable Me 2 Showtimes New York City's Reel Buzz Want to get the latest movie showtimes for New York City delivered right to your inbox? Don't show me these invitationsRead the original story on ArchDaily. Argentine artist Leandro Erlich has created “Pulled by the Roots” -- a massive construction crane carrying an entire house mid-air over the Karlsruhe Market Place in Karlsruhe, Germany. With a root system dangling from beneath it, the house takes its title literally. Known internationally for his hyper-real sculptures, Erlich often uses architectonic elements to generate discussion and statements on present issues. With Karlsruhe’s current project of relocating its tram system underground, citizens have seen major disruptions to their pedestrian life, with construction cranes becoming an implacable figure in the skyline.

By utilizing a crane in his intervention, Erlich turns this common construction tool into a piece of art and entertainment for passers-by who at first may "think that the crane driver has made a mistake." The project also looks at the relationship of architecture and development with the earth. By divorcing the house from the ground and revealing an organic relationship, Erlich creates a novel perspective. The tension of the crane as it holds up the home highlights this balance between the human dimension of building and the natural dimension from which it comes, reminding us of the importance of both. As our society and planet change constantly, this piece reminds us that an organic element is vital to our survival, and that our culture is inextricably linked with nature. The exhibition is part of ZKM's “The City is the Star - Art at the Construction Site," which invited international artists to intervene at construction sites with sculptures, performances and interventions.

Title: Pulled by the Roots at City is the Star From: June 19, 2015 11:00 AM Until: September 27, 2015 07:00 PM Address: Marktplatz, 75015 Bretten, Germany News via Domusweb and ZKM Every Friday, HuffPost's Culture Shift newsletter helps you figure out which books you should read, art you should check out, movies you should watch and music should listen to.The requested URL /?page_id=130 was not found on this server.Musée du Jouet | The exhibition comprises a selection of toys that symbolise the presentation of toys in the cinema and, in a broader sense, the connections between the world of toys and of the cinema. Taking a selection of films (comedies, cartoons, horror and adventure films), the exhibition addresses a multifaceted topic that is of interest to a wide audience. Pinocchio,Toy Story, G.I. Joe, Chucky, The LEGO Movie, Jumanji - all films in which toys are the real stars!Swiping a finger across a smartphone screen to unlock it may soon become a universal gesture, even on devices not made by Apple, because Germany’s top civil court has decided Apple didn’t invent “slide to unlock.”

German judges ruled Tuesday that Apple’s method for unlocking the iPhone didn’t reach a high enough level of sophistication need to be awarded patent protection, according to a report from Bloomberg. “This user-friendly display was already suggested by the state of the art,” the Karlsruhe-based court wrote. “The contested patent thus isn’t based on an invention.” Slide to unlock has been an iOS feature since the original iPhone launched way back in 2007. Some tweaks were made to it with the release of iOS 7, but the feature has gone largely unchanged since. Apple patented the sliding screen gesture, but a German federal court ruled in 2013 that the patent was invalid. The company appealed that decision, which has now been upheld by the country’s top court.CZK Christliches Zentrum Karlsruhe | evangelische FreikircheDie Reise in die 2.Lebenshälfte beginnt . . . wenn wir langsam erkennen, dass wir unseren Nachmittag & Abend des Lebens nicht mit dem selben Programm leben können, wie wir durch den Morgen gekommen sind!

The second journey begins when we know we cannot live the afternoon of life according to the morning program. Haben Sie sich darin gefunden? Ist die geistliche Jacke zu eng? Tragen die alten Antworten und Muster nicht mehr durch? Dann könnte dieses Seminar "nicht fertige Antworten" liefern, aber viel hilfreiche Inspiration und "Neuen Wein" Klicken sie auf den Link für Detailinfos . . . WBS 2017 „Reise in die 2. New York (dpa) - Der familienfreundliche «Lego Batman» und der Erotikfilm «Fifty Shades of Grey - Gefährliche Liebe» haben sich am Wochenende in Nordamerika behauptet. Der Trickfilm blieb mit geschätzten Neueinnahmen von 45 Millionen Dollar (42 Millionen Euro) an der Spitze der amerikanischen und kanadischen Kinocharts. Er dürfte nach dem langen Wochenende in den USA bereits die 100-Millionen-Dollar-Marke genommen haben, sagte der «Hollywood Reporter» voraus. Die USA gedenken am Montag ihrer früheren Präsidenten George Washington und Abraham Lincoln.

Der Feiertag «Presidents' Day» sorgt traditionell für vollere Kinokassen. Die Fortsetzung von «Fifty Shades of Grey» mit dem Untertitel «Gefährliche Liebe» legte 20,9 Millionen Dollar zu und folgt dem «Lego Batman» mit geschätzten Gesamteinnahmen von 92,9 Millionen Dollar dicht auf den Fersen. Beide sind zurzeit auch in deutschen Kinos. Enttäuschend fiel das Ergebnis für den kostspieligen Fantasy-Action-Film «The Great Wall» von Regisseur Zhang Yimou mit Matt Damon in der Hauptrolle aus. Das mit einem 150-Millionen-Dollar-Etat (141 Millionen Euro) gedrehte Leinwandspektakel über Monster an der Chinesischen Mauer spielte bei seinem Nordamerika-Debüt zunächst nur 18,1 Millionen Dollar ein und landete auf Rang drei der Charts. Der Feiertag dürfte das Ergebnis jedoch noch auf 21 Millionen Dollar verbessern, meint der «Hollywood Reporter». In Deutschland läuft «The Great Wall» schon seit Wochen. Der Actionfilm «John Wick: Kapitel 2» mit Keanu Reeeves rutschte mit 16,5 Millionen Dollar an seinem zweiten Wochenende einen Platz auf den vierten Rang ab. Ihm folgt die neue Komödie «Fist Fight» (12,2 Millionen Dollar) mit Ice Cube, Charlie Day und Tracy Morgan, die als Lehrer an einer von Entlassungen bedrohten Schule um ihren Job fürchten.

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