The Hangman & The Scientist

The Hangman & The Scientist

Short Rhymes
Pitiless Russian Inquisition (Изображение с сайта

The scientist tied to the pole, 

Prepared for dispatch.

The hangman plays his own role -

Like always, strikes a match.

But suddenly, the fire spreads

On harmless gapers near,

And hangman in his costly dress

Is shivering with fear

The fire eats all living things,

It turns all in black pitch.

The scientist's alive and grins:

"The Earth is turning, bitch"

Eternal fight of good and evil

And even now just we can see, 

That RKN looks like the devil,

But Telegram will be free.

| dispatch - зд.: казнь, насильственная смерть

| hangman - палач

| to strike a match - чиркать, зажигать спичку

| harmless - безобидный, невинный

| gaper - зевака

| costly - дорогой

| to shiver in fear - трястись от страха

| all living things - все живое

| black pitch - кромешная тьма, черная смола

| to grin - ухмыляться

| eternal - вечный, непрекращающийся


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