The Different Kinds Of Anxiety and Therapy For Stress and Anxiety

The Different Kinds Of Anxiety and Therapy For Stress and Anxiety


Everyone feels stressed from time to time. Stress and anxiety are a normal human reaction to tense situations. But, people with anxiety disorders feel enduring fears and worries. Their nervousness persists and can even get eviler over time. Anxiety disorders can harshly impair a person's skill to function at work, school and in social circumstances. Anxiety can also affect a person's relationships with family members and friends.

Anxiety disorders are very common in both adults and children nowadays. The causes behind anxiety are subjective but the impacts are similar.  If the patients do not consult to physiologist providing therapy for stress and anxiety at the right time, situation and condition can be worse. Luckily, there are various effective treatments for anxiety. In some cases, medications play a role in treating anxiety disorders. Yet the study shows behavioral treatment alone is a highly effective treatment for most people with an anxiety disorder. There are numerous types of anxiety disorders and their treatments available. 

General Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder is considered a persistent worry or anxious feelings. Individuals with this disorder worry about a sum of concerns, such as health problems or finances, and may think that something bad is going to happen.  Its Symptoms are irritability, muscle tension, restlessness, difficulty concentrating, sleep problems and usually feeling on edge.

Panics Anxiety Disorder

Panic disorder is noticeable by recurrent panic attacks that comprise symptoms such as sweating, trembling, shortness of breath or a sense of choking, a rapid heart rate, and feelings of fear. Such panic attacks often happen unexpectedly. People who suffer from panic attacks often become awful about the next attack, which can cause them to restrict their normal activities.

Phobias and Intense Fears

Phobias or intense fears about certain objects or situations that are distressing or intrusive. Social anxiety disorder is known as social phobia. In this disorder, people feel fearful of social situations in which they might feel self-conscious or judged. They typically feel anxious spending time in social settings, feel self-conscious in front of others, and fear about being rejected by or offending others. Other symptoms include having no friends, avoiding social situations, distressing for days before a social event and sense of shaky, sweaty or nauseous in social collaboration.

Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Obsessive-compulsive disorder is considered by persistent, irrepressible feelings and thoughts and routines or compulsions. Some common instances include obsessive hand washing in response to a fear of germs, or recurrently checking work for errors.

Post-traumatic stress disorder

 PTSD or Post-traumatic stress disorder can occur after a severe physical or emotional trauma such as a natural disaster, serious accident or criminality. Symptoms contain flashbacks of the trauma, nightmares and scary thoughts that interfere with a person's ordinary routine for months or years after the shocking experience.

Seeing a Psychologist get therapy for stress and anxiety

People with anxiety disorders tend to become straightforwardly overwhelmed by their emotions, and they tend to have mostly negative reactions to those disagreeable feelings and situations. If you are looking for the best psychologists in Orange County, then get in touch with Ochealthpsych. The Ochealthpsych psychiatrists in Orange County approach the best therapist that can work wonders to tend you to lead a normal stress-free, healthy and happy life.



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