The Abyss

The Abyss


"I'll go there and come back without a scratch!", he said, excited, about the abyss, known by not letting a single poor soul come back from it. His friend, who have heard what he said, didn't show the same excitement, and said to him to change his mind. The abyss challenger, however, had extreme conviction of this action. He knew that everything he lived so far had him prepared for the abyss, and many people cheered him on facing it.

It was time. The abyss was waiting for him and to the abyss he went. For his surprise, the abyss was simplier and more harmless than he had thought, and he could, with simple noxious, but not for himself, actions, overcome it easily.

A long time had passed, and he finally returned from the abyss. Victorious, everyone cheered him. His friend got proud of himself that he had encouraged him to go to the abyss.

It didn't last long until everyone started to make questions about this abyss. His answer, then: "Indescribable. I don't wish what's inside there for anyone. Not even in your worst nightmare you could think about something worse". And, besides the apparent fear on everyone's face, they applauded the warrior of the abyss, and they graced him with hugs and offers.

But, at nightfall, a skeletal elder, with torn clothes, grey hair and rotten smell, whispered in his ear: "You didn't escape the abyss. You became part of it, and your hope died inside there. What remains, now, is the abyss itself: The void. You see, I went to the abyss too and, just like you, I have never returned".

He thought this elder was insane, and no one like that man could have faced the abyss.

And, until the bitter end, there was no regret. All of his being remained in the abyss...

... forever.

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