The Abyss

The Abyss

The Abyss is a promising project of the Russian development team Destiny.Games. The project first claimed about itself in 2017. By now, about it, at least, heard all the crypto investors in the RuNet. What can I say, a very well-thought-out name is remembered quickly. Available to users the current version of the Whitepaper was uploaded to the site in February. The platform was designed by specialists – this Russian development company has been known since 2008.

According to the ideas of the authors of the platform, gamers will get many opportunities, which they could only dream of earlier. The industry is developing dynamically, it has an incredible potential for new investments. For the year 2016, for example, the MMO market grew by 13%. Over the past year, the global revenue of the computer games industry has exceeded for 100 billion US dollars. Of course, this indicator will only grow in the foreseeable future. By the way, in 2017 the share of the MMO genre in the total amount of profit from sales was 60%. Impressive, isn’t it?

Project Ecosystem

A lot of interrelated elements of the system form a truly unique environment. It should be noted that almost all operations within the system will be possible only with the help of ABYSS tokens, and the whole implementation of the ecosystem will be possible only thanks to them. According to the developers, the platform will perfectly match with all known OS. Below is a general outline of the interaction of its elements.


In addition to Russian, the site is available in 14 languages, which is important. Registration in the project is at the bottom of the main page. The site is very informative, it has everything necessary for the investor in a prominent place. According to the information in the footer of the main page, the legal address of the project is located in Switzerland.


The documentation presented on the site is worked as it should – in the English version there are 3 separate documents available – a 25-page whitepaper, a 9-page smartpaper (information is submitted almost in game form – in the form of interviews to the player from the robot of the platform) and a one-page presentation of the project. In all documents, the emphasis is on describing the benefits of the product for the player, but nowhere, there is not a single word about the exact dates of the sales. There is a road map in Whitepaper.


The site lists 12 people and 5 advisers. Under each of them – a very detailed description of achievements. Of course, the total number of employees of the project is much larger, it’s not hard to get to know from the photos from the site.

Social networks

The project is very popular on the Internet. As of March 31, there are 45,382 participants in the project’s TelegramTwitter has 15,800, Facebook has 10007, reddit – 138. Bitcointalk has a member level, there is a profile in discordapp, a blog in the Medium are reading about 2 thousand people. There are 2 repositories in github. The project conducts a video blog on the vimeo – though, right now there are only 5 videos and 11 subscribers. In the official group in the Linkedin now there are 18 team members.


The project has a very well-drawn road map – here is both history and prospects. The first event was the creation of a development team in the 3rd quarter of 2008. The idea to create a game portal in accordance with the challenges of the time for the guys appeared in the 3rd quarter of 2016th. Quite recently, in the first quarter of this year, the concept of DAICO was presented. A lot of important events are scheduled for the 2nd quarter of 2018: the prototype of The Abyss platform will be presented, the crowdsail will be conducted and the platform Abyss will be actively developed. In the same period, the concept of The Abyss will be presented to the developers. Then comes the active development phase. And only in the 1st quarter of 2019 is it planned to launch a working version of the platform with a startup package of games, with a single authorization system and dual-currency billing. In the work they will launch their API for project integration.


The project bewitches with its capabilities and pleases with the presentation of information about itself. The team of professional game developers, which this year will be 10 years old, sincerely admires the ingenious solutions. Only the project name itself is great!

On the Icoholder portal, the project was exposed to 4.28, according to the icobench project average score is 4.1, based on the opinions of 23 experts. According to the last, the submission of information from the project at the highest level, but the evaluation pulls down the opinion directly about the product itself. Well, this is logical, because it is still in the active development phase. Our verdict is 9 out of 10.

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