The 20 Best New Year's Resolution Ideas for 2018

The 20 Best New Year's Resolution Ideas for 2018
  1. Be more mindful of what you’re eating: It can be cutting down on sweets, loading your meals up with more veggies, or having a salad two days a week for lunch. Craft your own definition of “healthy.”

2. Do something just for you: When you feel like you have tons of commitments that aren’t always for you, carve out some time to try a new hobby or pick up an old one. It can be anything from cooking to drawing or even reading a good book.

3. Start budgeting—or continue to do so: Budgeting is not always the most fun thing to do, but at the end of the month when you don’t know where your cash has gone, you’re going to wish you’d kept up with it sooner. The trick is not to make your budget too stringent . Instead, allot for social gatherings and incidentals (e.g., an unexpected meal out, new clothing).

4. Revamp your professional identity: Even if you’re not looking for a new job at the moment, it’s wise to prepare yourself for when a good posting catches your eye. Get a new headshot for social networks, update your resume, and start networking in your free time. When you’re not in a rush to do these things, you’re able to go over them with a fine-tooth comb.

5. Declutter your place: Even if you’re just tackling a messy drawer or one closet a week, start getting your place in order. Seriously—a clean home is a happy home.

6. Learn how to cope with stress: Stress is one of those things that can lurk unnoticed for a while, and then it rears its ugly head and you’re in trouble. Instead of waiting for anxiety to show up to tackle it, learn which methods of reducing and managing your stress work best for you. Some people prefer meditation, others yoga, and some like having a support system to lean on.

7. Call your family more: Chances are you don’t live right down the street from your family. Make it a point to call those close to you, especially those that are older. It will completely make your grandparents’ or great-aunt’s day when you call them to catch up.

8. Stop having FOMO: In our hands, literally, we all have millions of actual opportunities. Your dream job, your soulmate and even something as small as your next meal are just a click or swipe away. This leads us to a never ending cycle of options, which can easily take over our schedule, our energy, and our mental state if left untreated. It can even make us physically ill. Have you ever felt under the weather during or after a very active season? Yup, that’s FOMO talking.

9. Start prioritizing the people that matter most: Having a ton of acquaintances is great until you realize they won’t be there through thick and thin. Stop saying yes to doing everything, and reserve spending your free time with people you really care about (and who care about you, too).

10. Begin giving back: Whether you decide to volunteer once a week or once a year, it still matters. Increase your charitable endeavors and realize that you’re not just making a positive impact—you’re being positively impacted, too.

11. Stay on top of your health: There are so many doctors’ appointments we should make that it can be overwhelming. Some to prioritize each year: your yearly physical, pap smear, dermatologist visit, and teeth cleanings.

12. Get a side hustle: Whether it’s for extra cash or to spark some passion you don’t get at your day job, a side hustle can be a fun way to challenge yourself. At the very least, you’ll learn about balance and time management.

13. Take in more of the arts: Seek out fun exhibits near you, go see a play or the ballet, or listen to an orchestra perform. These types of events will help inspire a little creativity in you, too. Plus, there are tons of free events if you take the time to do a little digging.

14. Kick your social media habit: Too much social media can be a bad thing—especially when you start comparing your real life to someone’s seemingly picture-perfect online life. Take a step back from social media, whether it’s taking a day (or more) off or limiting how many times you check your apps.

15. Practice gratitude daily: Whether you say a few things you’re grateful for aloud each day, meditate on them in silence, or put them in a journal, this is a great new daily habit. It allows you to keep everything in perspective, which we can all use a little more of.

16. Acknowledge important dates: Do you have a friend who just never misses a birthday or anniversary or even the start date of your new job? Start taking note of important days to people around you and acknowledge them with a sweet text, phone call, or even a handwritten note (everyone loves getting snail mail).

17. Be kind to yourself: You are going to make mistakes and have bad days—it’s inevitable. But instead of feeling bad about it or making yourself feel worse, you need to treat yourself kindly. If you're having a particularly bad day, allow yourself to go to bed earlier than normal, since a little sleep goes a long way and you can wake up refreshed to start the next day.

18. Have more compassion: Isn’t it true that we never really know what’s going on in someone’s life? Before you get mad at a friend for canceling plans or mutter under your breath when a stranger does something to annoy you, remember that it’s probably not really about you at all.

19. Start reading more: When we get busy, reading a good book can be the first thing that falls off. Make time to catch up on the content you enjoy most—poetry, nonfiction, even thrillers.

20. Take care of something that’s not yourself: Whether it’s a pet or even a plant, it’s a good idea to get into the habit of being dependable. Start small at first.

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