



  • Reasons behind discontinuing with B
  • Do you have (have you considered) other strategic partners - who?

Ownership / Structure / Finance

  • What’s the shareholder structure of the company
  • How much invested into the company and breakdown of the proceeds  


  • I guess given proactive/pro-crypto Thai regulators, opening a bank account may be less difficult than Hong Kong, but which banks do you open business with?
  • Have you also considered opening a several bank accounts outside Thailand?
  • Have you considered obtaining a license abroad (as well as Thailand) for additional buffer + potentially international expansion  -e.g., Gibraltar (Plutux) or Malta (Binance, OKex)

Trading engine, liquidity, security  

  • Where do you get the liquidity from?
  • How do you ensure security?
  • Are you outsourcing or building your wallet?
  • Plan for holding assets - outsourced cold storage or developing in house?


  • How much fees will you charge and what’s your margin? (previously they mentioned Thailand is very competitive and there are at least 5 cryptoexchanges in Thailand that charges 0.25% or less)
  • Maker/Taker fees?

Compliance, onboarding, AML

  • Given the (proactive) regulatory environment in Thailand, what do you find best practices in terms of KYC and AML? Which laws, standards and regulations do you adhere to?


  • Who are your target customers? Will they have separate platforms (eg ‘pro’ version)
  • What’s your focus?
  • Crypto-crypto or Fiat-crypto?
  • Do you plan to have a OTC desk?
  • Do you plan to have ATM machines?


  • What seems to work for Thailand both online and offline?
  • What’s your marketing strategy to differentiate yourself and acquire customers given Thailand is very competitive market


  • Go to market plan? Plan for customer acquisition


  • Proposed date for launch

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