Hello. I am Darian White. I am an official representative of the company representing the P2E game CosmicWay. We are searching for beta testers before the release of the game. Hourly payment is $30 and from $570 for a vulnerability or bug found. In addition, all beta test participants will receive our own token and NFT at the end of beta testing as an Airdrop. Are you interested in that?

Hello. I am Darian White. I am an official representative of the company representing the P2E game CosmicWay. We are searching for beta testers before the release of the game. Hourly payment is $30 and from $570 for a vulnerability or bug found. Are you interested in that?

Hey. My name is Darian and I am a representative of the P2E game CosmicWay. We are searching for beta testers before the game is released to the public. We are willing to pay $30 per hour and from $580 per error found. Would you like to take part in this?

Hi. My name is Darian. I am the head of the recruitment department in our company. We recently launched the P2E game CosmicWay and are looking for beta testers. Payment is $30 per hour and from $580 per error found. Are you interested in this?

Hello. Are you interested in beta testing P2E games?


You can view information about our project on social networks and on our official website:

Website: cosmicwayrb.org

Discord: discord.gg/cosmicwayrb

Twitter: twitter.com/CosmicwayReboot

Coinmarketcap: coinmarketcap.com/community/profile/CosmicWayReboot

Dappradar: dappradar.com/dapp/cosmicway-reboot

Medium: medium.com/@cosmicwayreboot

Whitepaper: cosmicway-reboot.gitbook.io/cosmicway-reboot

Zealy: zealy.io/c/cosmicwayreboot

Instagram: instagram.com/cosmicwayrb


I liked the fact that you show an interest in cryptography, and that's why I contacted you. I think you will like it and your needs will be met. Have you familiarized yourself with our project?


Beta testing of the game does not require any programming skills. It is necessary to pass the game update level and if an error or vulnerability is detected in the mechanics of the game, take a screenshot and describe the error, vulnerability. After that, send an error message to the developer in #ticket on our discord server. Verification of your application will take no more than one hour. The payment for the found error is credited to your gaming account. The hourly bet starts immediately after the first minute of the game. Regarding the withdrawal of earned funds. We pay in ETH cryptocurrency on the erc20 network. You can withdraw the earned funds at any time an unlimited number of times. The processing time of the withdrawal request is from 5 to 30 minutes. The game is available for macOS and Windows OS. Our minimum requirements: OS: Windows 10 Processor: Intel Core i-3 7200 or better Memory: 6 GB RAM Graphics: Nvidia GT 420 DirectX: Version 9.0c Storage: 15 GB available space Or MacBook on Intel or M1-M2 chip. Do you have a computer, laptop or Macbook for work?

I am sending you some examples of errors found in the game



Excellent. Visit our official website cosmicwayrb.org . Download the desktop version of the game. Start the game. After the first launch of the game, register. You need to come up with a username and specify your personal beta tester code: "TO1GE83NUEP3". You will see a special section with the current update of the game for testing. Your game nickname will be on the right and your balance in dollars will be displayed below it. Also, when withdrawing funds, you will be able to constantly change your ETH wallet address for withdrawing funds. No bindings and verifications. When will it be convenient for you to start?

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