

FAQ consists of 2 parts.

1.For beginners who have never heard about dma.

2. For experienced users who have used dma cheats and want to know more about our cheats.

Questions and answers for beginners.

1.What is the difference from the usual DMA(Hardware) cheats from internal/external solutions?

The most important difference is that the cheat runs on a second computer and can not be

The principle of operation of DMA (Hardware) cheats is that for their use requires a special DMA board. Which is inserted into the GAMING PC.

Is it possible to detect our cheat?

The cheat itself cannot be detected, because we use only the second computer on which the cheat is running.

The ONLY way to detect this kind of cheat is to detect a suspicious board in your gaming computer.

This is an extremely difficult task for anti-cheats, because they need to understand whether your disguised device is a real device or just trying to appear real. This is why dma cheats are so hard to detect.

You can see more details on how to connect and visualise the connection in our video.

What do I need to start using our cheats?

- 2PC(GamingPC + RadarPc)

-DMA card + Kmbox b pro (For Aim)

-Fuser for ESP (Optional)

1.GamingPC - Your gaming computer on which you play and where the dma card will be inserted.

RadarPc - Cheat computer on which the cheat will be run.

Can it be a cheap laptop? - Yes. However it might lag a bit on extremely old hardware.

Can it be used in a computer? - Yes.

As long as it has a USB 3.0+ port.

(USB 3.1,3.2,etc. are also supported) It also will work with usb 2.0,but it is NOT recommend. Due to extremely slow reading speeds, performance might be slow and you can experience lags.

2. What is Kmbox for?

-Since we, unlike other cheats, do not use Kmbox to change the cursor position through a second computer.

You CAN use our cheats without Kmbox, but the help in aiming will not work. Only ESP/Radar will work.

3 - Fuser/HDMI combiner (Optional)

If you want to see ESP boxes on the main monitor, then you need to buy an additional Fuser that will overlay two images (from the radar computer over the image of the game monitor) thanks to this you will be able to see ESP on the main monitor without fear that anti-cheat can make a screenshot of the cheat.

When was cheat last detection?

- There hasn't been one since release. We only read memory with dma, which is the safest option of them all.

Can cheat be detected?

-No. We don't modify game memory, so the only way to detect our cheat is to detect the firmware of your dma card, which is installed in your GamingPC

What DMA cards are supported?

- ALL existing DMA cards on the market will work with our cheat.

What firmware is supported?

- Any. As long as they work with PciLeech library (99.99% of all and even "private" firmware work through PCiLeech).

What Windows does your cheat work on?

-We support Windows 10 and 11. However, at the moment it is highly recommended to use windows 10 due to the instability of Windows 11.

Is it possible to use your cheat without Kmbox B Pro/Net?

-Yes. However in this case aim will not work.(Only ESP).

Do I have to use fuser/HDMI combiner?

- No. Our cheat does not require a HDMI combiner.

How to install dma?


To our detailed guide on how to fully set up a dma board. Also you can always open a ticket and ask any questions and ask for help in setting up the dma.

Dma setup


- Turn off your Gaming-PC

- Plug-in your board into your Gaming-PC PCIe x1 port

If you don't have x1 port,you can plug it into x4,x8 or x16. Read manual of your motherboard before doing this.)

- Plug the USB-C cable into your DMA card (DATA Port) on your DMA card

- Start your Gaming-PC and boot into BIOS


-Disable Virtualization

-Disable VT-d


-Disable Virtualization

-Disable IQMMU

Disable NX-Bit (Only if available)

Disable Secure Boot

- Save your BIOS settings and boot your Gaming-PC into Windows

RadarPc set-up


Install "FTDI FT601 USB 3.0 Bridge Device"

- To test your Dma card run AtomicBench.exe or EnigmaDma.bat

- If you are able to run benchmarks that means you installed everything correctly. Congrats!

Now you can use any DMA cheat

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