

Criteria and payment system

Beginners get $2.50 for videos that get 500+ views and 5+ likes. 

If your videos are very engaging and attract a lot of people to your site, you'll be promoted to SecretRoom at $5 per video. If you think we don't pay enough, you're very wrong, because the average video is created in 5 minutes and our employees get over $60 for 1-2 hours of work.
If your video got into the recommendations - payment is made at the discretion of support, it will depend on the statistics of your video and the number of hits on the site through your video.
If your video gains fake views or likes, you'll get banned, have your payment cancelled for all your videos, added to a blacklist and something secret. We have the right to ask for your tiktok account username and password for additional verification, so keep them to yourself. 
If the hosting blocks our domain, only half of the video is paid for

How to get paid for your videos?
We accept from more than 10 videos!

To receive a payout, send information - @rusheds (https://t.me/rusheds) 

Surrender Format : 

1) Link to the account, if there is more than one, make the numbering 1 - link 2 - link 3 - link 

2) A screenshot of the post where you show visitors on the account who liked the video, where 500+ views and 5+ likes

3) ltc or monero address


What don't we pay for?

1) Faking views. 

2) Failure to meet at least one criterion. 

3) You did not provide account information.

4) Video is blocked in TT and you have no proof of views on this video. 

5) The account in TT is blocked at the moment of checking.

6) If the text on the video overlaps the main points.

7) If the text on the video is too big or small . 

8) Low-quality video (Lags/Pixels/Blurry/Black bars). 

9) The video has at least one CIS likes or CIS views.

10) Do not use proxies, work without reset / with a SIM card inserted. 

10.1) Even if you made a video - go to the account with a SIM card can not.

11) If you were kicked from the team. ( Insults / Attempted cheating administration / Advertising / Work in the other team, etc.)

12) If you are not ready to give the data from the account, which gained views

13) If the hashtags on your videos repeatedly repeated / always the same. 

14) If videos have less views / likes than stated.

15) If the number of visits to your profile is less than the ratio of 1 to 1.

( 1 video per payout - 1 visitor )

16) If it's noticed that the amount of unique logs from your promo is less than 1k1 ( video to payout - 1 visitor to logs ).

18) If it will be noticed repeatedly inadequate behavior in the chat.

When you start working, you automatically agree to all the rules that are listed here or in any other manual of our team .

Instructions for android setup

1) Take out the SIM card.

2) Reset the phone to factory settings.

(Advanced Settings - Backup & Reset - Factory Reset, on each brand of phone, may be in other places - look for it)

3) Select English language and country.

4) Download the application Socksdroid. (In the browser).

Insert our proxy (you can get it from a support team)

Server IP - ...

Server Port - ...

Choose in Authentication - Username & Password, put in:

User - ...

Password - ....

Then we enable proxies by clicking on the radio button above.

The proxies you get are in user:password:ip:port format

(3-5 accounts TikTok = 1 proxy, then reset and do it all over again)

5) Download TikTok (in the browser https://tiktok.uptodown.com/android) 

(You can download it before without a proxy, but come only with a proxy)

6) Register. 

(We put the date of birth 1990 - 2000.) (We register on random e-mail, not on phone number!)

The temporary mail can be found at https://temp-mail.org/.

(Also write down log:pass from TikTok account).

7) If you have a bump recommendation in TikTok, then you did everything right, and you can get to work

8) Create 3-5 accounts according to the manual

9) Start watching and liking Uber-themed videos ( +- 5 minutes ), for this search we write uber/uber eats and so on. 

(For 1 account, put no more than 6 videos!)

10) We start all over again.

Instructions for iphone setup

1) Take out the SIM card.

2) Reset the phone to factory settings.

(Basic - Transfer or reset iPhone - Erase content and settings)

3) Select English language and the country you want to use. Choose Wi-Fi connection.

4) Turn off the GEO location, Siri, Find Me.

5) Register a new iCloud.

(Show country you have chosen.)

(Give iCloud name in English).

(MUST write down the login and password).


If you have a limit, you can use this method


6) Go to AppStore and download Potatso Lite.

7) Once you have downloaded Potatso, insert proxies you can get from the support

(3-5 TikTok accounts = 1 proxy, then reset and start again)

How to add proxy?

1. We go to Manual Input - press Add.

Type - put Sock5.

3. Insert our proxy (take it from the bot)

Host - ...

Port - ...

4. Select Authentication, insert:

User - ...

Password - ...

8) Download TikTok (You MUST download with proxy)

9) Register. 

(Put your date of birth 1990-2000.) (Register to a temporary mail, not to a phone number!)

You can get temporary mail on https://temp-mail.org/.

(Also write down log:pass from TikTok account).

10) If you have a bump recommendation in TikTok, then you did everything right, and you can get to work

11) Create 3-5 accounts according to the instructions

12) Start watching and liking Uber-themed videos ( +- 5 minutes ), for this search we write uber/uber eats and so on. 

(For 1 account, put no more than 6 videos!)

13) We start all over again.

How to create a video and a tiktok account

Always shoot the video as in the examples and use the same order 

If you change the concept of the video, show it to support for approval

Account photo : 

1. Put a beautiful avatar

2. Don't put one picture on all accounts, they should be different.

Account Name :

1. Put any normal name (never use the name used on another ur account). 

Video text:

1. The meaning of the text in the video must be fully copied from the examples

3. Do not forget that the text must be in a beautiful font, not to overlap the main points and not to cause disgust.

4. In the video use the language of the country in which the account is registered

Voice in video :

We always recommend that you use your own voice in the video, but if you are shy or don't like your voice , then use Voice Changer AI

You can also use tiktok voice acting 

Video Description :

Hashtags (Uber related only + some popular ones)

Don't use the same hashtags

Tips on how to get into the secret room

Use voice changer ai to create a beautiful voice in your video or use your own voice if it's good 

Use a nice backdrop in your video

Use a nice font

Make a quality video and come up with your own method of getting people to the site, but show the video to the support team for approval before posting the video.

Figure out how to get lots of likes on your video 

Support will automatically add you to the secret room if your videos qualify 

🔥Actual contats🔥

@rushed @DamnAura

Report Page