

Hi! This website exists for two reasons:

  1. To celebrate the awesome moldovan women that work in IT and creative industries. We are proud of you and you inspire us. Thank you for innovating and leading!


2. To encourage other girls and women to join these innovative industries! Look at all these women listed on this website. They are just like you, so don't be afraid. We need your brains, passion, creativity and courage. Now it's your turn. Please take it :)

We hope this website will inspire more Moldovan women to innovate and lead these industries forward.


Who made this website?

The initiative came from Ion Mocan and the coding came from Dima Belinski. This project is a rip-off of womenwho.design and we dont hide it. We liked what those people did and decided to do it for Moldova.

How can I add somebody on the website?

Click on the Suggest button in the menu and add the link to the Twitter or Linkedin profile of the person you want to add.

How can I remove myself from the website?

Tweet me @ionatanmocan or write me at ionatanmocan@gmail.com and I will remove you from the website.

Why only these categories?

We decided to focus on the tech and creative industries only. If you think that we missed an important category write me at ionatanmocan@gmail.com

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