JANUARY 23, 1971 (POSH VAD 11, 2027)


“Deto deto ne deto Jogīdo deto deto ne deto.” In this kirtan, Kāg Bāpu has written that Yogiji Maharaj simply gives, gives, and gives and then he gives, gives, and gives some more. In the final line, he explains “…lenār thāki raheto” – that the receiver may tire, but Yogiji Maharaj never tires as he continues to give. For 78 years, Yogiji Maharaj had given his heart and soul to all of Satsang. On this day, January 23, in 1971 (Posh Vad Ekadashi), Yogiji Maharaj had abandoned his mortal body.

It’s hard to answer the question “what’s wrong?” when nothing seems right. Nothing felt right to the small sadhu sobbing in the corner of a quiet hospital room in Mumbai when Yogiji Maharaj took his final breath. It was unthinkable, unbelievable; not possible. Yogiji Maharaj was everything to everyone. The young sadhus that stood around his still figure had given up family and career, ambition and life - to be with him, to serve him and to worship Bhagwan Swaminarayan through him. What now? The uncanny thing about a devastating loss is that life actually goes on. When you are faced with an incomprehensible loss that you have no idea how you can live through it, somehow, the world keeps spinning; the seconds keep ticking.

At once Pramukh Swami was consoling and directing cremation preparations. He galvanized the sadhus and devotees and engaged them as they prepared to transport Yogiji Maharaj’s divine body to Gondal. He comforted them and assured them that things will be alright. The chartered plane departed from Mumbai and landed at the seldom used Rajkot airstrip. Thousands awaited on this cold winter morning, praying for a final glimpse of the guru they loved so dearly. Yogiji Maharaj was gently carried out. He was then transported to Gondal on a bed of ice in an open jeep. The wind was rushing over his exposed body. Pramukh Swami instinctively took off his gātaryu and covered his guru’s body with it, neatly tucking it under the chin. In Gondal, tens of thousands of people watched Pramukh Swami hold the burning straw in both hands as he circumambulated the funeral pyre. Senior sadhus followed suit. In traditional Hindu fashion, Pramukh Swami performed the antim sanskār vidhi of his loving guru Yogiji Maharaj. As the flames rose and cracked, the heat pushed him back several steps. He watched lost in thought, his half-grown beard masking his grief. “Yogiji Maharaj has not left us,” Sant Swami's voice boomed over the public address system. “He is present before us in Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He is our Guru...” He reminded everyone of the divine words spoken by Yogiji Maharaj himself, “From now onwards Pramukh Swami will carry on my work... Pramukh Swami māru sarvasva chhe,” - Pramukh Swami is my everything. Soon the entire Satsang fellowship was enchanted with Pramukh Swami Maharaj. He was the natural guru. Everyone was convinced that Yogiji Maharaj had not left. Instead, he left us with the greatest gift of all – Pramukh Swami Maharaj.

No words can describe the impact that Swamishri has had on our lives. At times, simply saying “thank you” isn’t enough. Devoting our lives to Yogiji Maharaj, Pramukh Swami Maharaj, and Mahant Swami Maharaj, who in reality are one and the same, is the only way we can truly ever even attempt to repay the debt.

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