


I fucked up. Or smth like that. Dunno what happening in my life, rly. Just non-stop circle of strange events, turns my life inside-out. And all this - cause of woman. Woman - the biggest human engine and biggest trouble. Any kind of man can drown in this swamp, anytime, anywhere. Even if they think they cant. Look, 2 month ago i thought i can carry any relationship/feelings without hurt, i was cynical and cold-blooded. And what now? I still the same. But. Again, all plans go through the woman, THIS WOMAN, AGAIN, KARL. And now we call each other "bro". Why not? She is rly the biggest bro of mine, this moment and through my life. With my bro I can discuss anything, even some shame or сrazy thoughts, badass plans and incredible dull conclusions. Thats it. Last 2-3 years i cant talk with any person in this way. Now, when i finally can, there is a lot of problems on my(our) way. Bro had boyfriend for 3 years, confused in this human-play, dunno what to do and wanna get all benefits from both men. Yee, she is smart. But i doubt she can. Main question - did she feel some similar, or its just a game, another trap i deserve?

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