

*--Resistance Mascots--*

Edition: Joker-san’s Owls

After traveling for 2 days on little sleep, competing in an over night battle against the Enlightened in Agent Olympiad, letting loose at the after party, and finishing with a long bus ride back to Tokyo... I was completely exhausted and not in the mood to communicate with anyone. As we began to say our goodbyes and capture our last group photos, I saw a woman holding an Owl!!! An Owl!? What? She wore Resistance swag and was exchanging bio cards and souvenirs. I immediately stumbled over to her to offer some Hawaii made soap as a gift. She introduced herself as Joker-san and plopped her owl onto my arm she her hands were free to put away the soap. The owl looked at me curiously and didn’t seem to mind. I reached out to pet him and he crawled closer to me, up my arm, seemingly to cuddle. It didn’t matter how tired or malnourished I was after a long Ingress adventure; this experience completely lifted my spirits and gave me newfound energy.

I had to know more about Joker-san and her joy-bringing owls. With the help of Aya Tabineco and Yuto Raion as translators, I interviewed her in hopes to share her story with you.


*Agent Details:*

Agent: Joker Shimizu / A15

IGN: JokerShimizu

Known for: Very High Quality Swag Production/Sales in Japan

Resistance Mascot Type: Owl (Fukurō)

*Mascot Details:*

Name: Taicho; [ENG] Captain

Type: Konoha; [ENG] Tree Leaf Owl

Gender: Male

Age: Senior (~13 years)

Name: Mori; [ENG] Forest

Type: Morifukurou no Mori; [ENG] Forest Owl

Gender: Male

Age: Younger than Taicho

*Owl Facts:*

Owls maintain their mates/companions for life. They are unique in the fact that they may also attach to a human. Joker-san's owls are in constant competition for her love. They must compete with both each other and with her husband.


Owls are moody like cats. They will approach Joker-san when she nears their cage if they want to play. At times they'll do nothing but cuddle or gaze into the distance. Many of their habits are still mysterious to her. They share their meat dinner with Joker-san even though she doesn't want it.

*Japanese Owl Symbolism:*

In Japanese language _Owl_ translates to Fukurou, where Fuku means _Good Fortune_, Fu translates to _no_, and kurou to _hardship_. Therefore, this word is used for luckwork and the owl is a lucky charm symbolizing good fortune.

*Owl Symbolism in other cultures:*

 - Great Plains Native Americans: Owl feathers worn are protection from evil spirits.

 - Middle East: The owl is the sacred guardian of the afterlife.

 - Greek Mythology: The owl is linked to Athena, the goddess of wisdom, and has been associated with wealth.

*Mori and Taicho’s contributions to the Resistance:*

Taicho has built a name for himself as the Legend of Konoha-taicho. Taicho pooped on the shoulder of Niantic's CEO John Hanke. Because _poop_, UN in Japanese, shares the same sound as "UN ga tsuku", this act was seen to be a precursor to good things happening.

Mori-san has participated in a local Aegis Nova operation, multi-field operations, every weekend for the battle in Hibiya, and the biggest operation #FateOfThe13.

Both owls have been introduced on the Ingress Report for a Japan Resistance publication.

Many look forward to having the owls around during operations to boost their spirits, to change the pace of the day, to take opponents hand's from their devices during critical moments, and to deliver smiles at battle's end.

Regardless of faction, these owls have helped Joker gain many acquaintances through original swag, art, and interaction. As such, Konoha-san's biocard states "Bridge of Blue and Green".

Joker's owls help her to build good relations with fellow Resistance Agents, countering the negative effects that arose from her choosing to join a different faction from her recruiter. Sharing the love of her owls with other agents from both factions has allowed her to gain many companions and to participate in large operations.

Unfortunately, Joker's Resistance Mascots will never be able to travel by flight to visit you. You will have to visit them. I am honored to have met them in person. 

*What make's Taicho-san and Mori-san special?*

Compared to other Owls as pets, Joker-san's owls are social and welcoming of new handlers.

To make sure the owls are able to remain happy, Joker-san often leaves Captain's cage open or will walk them in a park that contains a wide river for much needed distant gazing. 


*I love to Share!*

Thank you Joker-san for sharing your beautiful birds with us, and for working to bring our Ingress community together.

NOTE: If anyone would like to share your Ingress Mascot with the world through WIRR (World Ingress Resistance Radio), we would love to hear your stories. What makes your pet a unique honorary Resistance Agent? 

News Feed: https://t.me/worldingressresistanceradio

Story Submissions: https://t.me/joinchat/AAAAAAviVTAorvwqmG5CQQ

--Resistance Mascots--

Edition: Joker-san’s Owls

Location: Saitama Prefecture, Tokyo, Japan

Do your pets bring you love and companionship? Do they help you meet people or get you outside and active? Does bringing them to events bring smiles to Agent faces? Do they sport Ingress swag or inspire you to create original designs? You may have an Ingress Mascot in your family. Tell us about your beloved pets and how they contribute to the Resistance! I love to Share!

For this edition we learn about Joker-san’s Resistance Owl Mascots and their efforts to help Ingress Agents throughout Japan, and beyond! Enjoy!

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