

userJune 29, 2019

text for checking links in telegram by using telegraph bot

this is short story to check how telegraph bot works on telegram desktob. we are going to use public chanel for checking this ability.

let's try to ad some photos and links to our page.

firstble let's put a photo of something on our page, for checking this ability.

here's an example of photo on our page. it is automatically puten on the middle of the page. and size hasn't changed. unfortunately you couldn't change the size of the object even if you want.

now lets ad a link to our page.

we have just put a link of video file on a page, and it appeared lika a player for showing video write on the page.

also we could put links write on the words. here's example of this ability - example

morever you could change style of your text. you could make it first bold or second cursore style.


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