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alter Blog

alter Youth--From alter#1
1960s call for an incredible decade for our continent. Those years truly out shows who we, the black people, are to the world. A deep grief and desire for freedom inside to liberate a continent revolutionized everything. A new dawning started shining over Africa until it reached through its bottom tip in 1990s. It required blood to wash out the dirty status quo, which is why we call the fighters true patriots – who died to alive a continent.
As surely as they did, our response will be fairly the same if we were in their shoe. Yet, it doesn’t necessarily required us to go back to find an era where we could fight and make history. 21st century calls for a revolution more vibrant and powerful than 1960s’. Now what we have lost and are denied of is not land, but our ability to own land. Now not out actions are bounded, but our intentions and thoughts. They’re not the whites who enslaved us, but their enslavement in a cover of freedom is trying to rule over us. Now, it is not our hands and legs that are chained, but the coordinator of them – mind. How could we have a librated continent while having a slave mind?

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