Making the blog

Making the blog

me opening vs code for the first time in 2 months

Hello everybody. Yesterday, I decided to start a devblog, where I'll sometimes upload some stuff that I create. I'll post stuff about Roblox FPS framework that I'm currently working on, maybe I'll post something about Blender, maybe I'll post something about game ideas. Today, I'll talk about creating this blog.

WARNING: This is more of a blog, than a tutorial. I do not recommend making blog websites the way I've done it.

I did two .html pages: one, with the blog previews (index.html), and the blog page itself (blogpage.html). I started with making basic HTML+CSS layouts, trying to make it fit on any resolution. Here is the first version of the preview page:

Yes, it does look ugly, but I'll make some animations and a better background using blender.

Then, I tried to use API to make the blogs.

Basically, I have a JSON script with an list of links to the API pages, and then I just get the data out of the pages, and make the previews out of the data.

Here's how it looks now (after 5 hours because I was doing an school project :) )

(the bottom preview image is just image if you wonder)

Then, I made a clone of the index.html, recoded it a bit, and thats how I made the blogpage.html.

That's pretty much it, but I have to tell you two more things: when you press 'Read' button, you get redirected to the blogpage.html site, and a string with the page data is stored to the local storage. Also, supports free backend web pages, so, I can easily upload it to github. That's how I made a blog site for free, without spending a penny, only in one day.

Thank you for your attention. Bye! :)

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