

  1. What do you recommend to see, because I've already seen all your photos
  2. What was the last country you were in? I was in Montenegro and I loved it, I love the sea
  3. What do you like better: watching a movie or going for a walk around town? Does it depend on your mood?
  4. What would you like to talk about on a first date?
  5. Do you look more at the pictures or the description of the profile?
  6. How do you like to start your day handsome?
  7. Is it cool when a girl takes the initiative herself, don't you think?
  8. For a long time I was shy to write to you, but I finally made up my mind! I hope you are pleased and we will continue our communication
  9. I wish I could smile and look you in the eyes right away, but for now I'm ready to enjoy just a photo.
  10. What was interesting for you tonight?


I moved into a new apartment today, it's spacious and bright. It's in my favorite neighborhood. I'm very happy, although I still miss my previous home. For now I feel uncomfortable and try to walk outside a lot. What changes have you made?


Hey, my good. I worked all day today and talked to my mom afterwards. Very glad when people are able to find a job that will inspire them and bring them pleasure, and not just as a way to make money. Although the second option is totally fine, and a lot of people have it that way. My mom was asking about you, so tell me, how are you doing?

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