

localStorage['swagger-editor-content'] = "openapi: 3.0.2\ninfo:\n title: Messanger spam server\n version: 0.0.1a\npaths:\n /health:\n  get:\n   tags:\n    - System\n   summary: Check Health\n   description: Just only check service health\n   operationId: check_health_health_get\n   responses:\n    '200':\n     description: OK\n /service/messangers/{messanger}/message:\n  post:\n   tags:\n    - Functional\n   summary: Send Message\n   description: |-\n    Send a text message `message.text` to `message.number` in\n    the messanger `messanger` with priority `message.priority`\n   operationId: send_message_service_messangers__messanger__message_post\n   parameters:\n    - required: true\n     schema:\n      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Messanger'\n     name: messanger\n     in: path\n   requestBody:\n    content:\n     application/json:\n      schema:\n       $ref: '#/components/schemas/Message'\n    required: true\n   responses:\n    '200':\n     description: Successful Response\n     content:\n      application/json:\n       schema:\n        $ref: '#/components/schemas/MessageResponse'\n    '422':\n     description: Validation Error\n     content:\n      application/json:\n       schema:\n        $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError'\n /service/messages/{task}:\n  get:\n   tags:\n    - Functional\n   summary: Get Current Task Status\n   description: |-\n    Get status of the task `task`, if there is no such task\n    returns *404*\n   operationId: get_current_task_status_service_messages__task__get\n   parameters:\n    - required: true\n     schema:\n      title: Task\n      type: string\n      format: uuid\n     name: task\n     in: path\n   responses:\n    '200':\n     description: OK\n     content:\n      application/json:\n       schema:\n        $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskStatusResponse'\n    '404':\n     description: The item not found\n    '422':\n     description: Validation Error\n     content:\n      application/json:\n       schema:\n        $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError'\n  delete:\n   tags:\n    - Functional\n   summary: Cancel Future Task\n   description: |-\n    Cancel future `task` if one is in *pending* status\n    (return *400* in other cases), if there is no such task\n    returns *404*\n   operationId: cancel_future_task_service_messages__task__delete\n   parameters:\n    - required: true\n     schema:\n      title: Task\n      type: string\n      format: uuid\n     name: task\n     in: path\n   responses:\n    '200':\n     description: OK\n    '400':\n     description: Bad Request\n    '404':\n     description: The item not found\n    '422':\n     description: Validation Error\n     content:\n      application/json:\n       schema:\n        $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError'\n /service/messangers/{messanger}/load-status:\n  get:\n   tags:\n    - Functional\n   summary: Get Status\n   description: Get load status for the messanger `messanger`\n   operationId: get_status_service_messangers__messanger__load_status_get\n   parameters:\n    - required: true\n     schema:\n      $ref: '#/components/schemas/Messanger'\n     name: messanger\n     in: path\n   responses:\n    '200':\n     description: OK\n     content:\n      application/json:\n       schema:\n        $ref: '#/components/schemas/MessangerLoadStatus'\n    '422':\n     description: Validation Error\n     content:\n      application/json:\n       schema:\n        $ref: '#/components/schemas/HTTPValidationError'\ncomponents:\n schemas:\n  HTTPValidationError:\n   title: HTTPValidationError\n   type: object\n   properties:\n    detail:\n     title: Detail\n     type: array\n     items:\n      $ref: '#/components/schemas/ValidationError'\n  Message:\n   title: Message\n   required:\n    - number\n    - text\n   type: object\n   properties:\n    priority:\n     title: Priority\n     enum:\n      - low\n      - medium\n      - high\n     type: string\n     default: medium\n    number:\n     title: Number\n     pattern: ^\\+?[1-9][0-9]{7,14}$\n     type: string\n    text:\n     title: Text\n     maxLength: 1000\n     minLength: 1\n     type: string\n  MessageResponse:\n   title: MessageResponse\n   required:\n    - task\n   type: object\n   properties:\n    task:\n     title: Task\n     type: string\n     format: uuid\n  Messanger:\n   title: Messanger\n   enum:\n    - tg\n    - wa\n   description: An enumeration.\n  MessangerLoadStatus:\n   title: MessangerLoadStatus\n   required:\n    - messages_pending\n    - messages_in_progress\n   type: object\n   properties:\n    messages_pending:\n     title: Messages Pending\n     type: integer\n    messages_in_progress:\n     title: Messages In Progress\n     type: integer\n  TaskStatus:\n   title: TaskStatus\n   enum:\n    - pending\n    - progress\n    - success\n    - failed\n   description: An enumeration.\n  TaskStatusResponse:\n   title: TaskStatusResponse\n   required:\n    - uuid\n    - status\n    - creation_at\n   type: object\n   properties:\n    uuid:\n     title: Uuid\n     type: string\n     format: uuid\n    status:\n     $ref: '#/components/schemas/TaskStatus'\n    creation_at:\n     title: Creation At\n     type: string\n     format: date-time\n    finished_at:\n     title: Finished At\n     type: string\n     format: date-time\n    error_description:\n     title: Error Description\n     type: string\n  ValidationError:\n   title: ValidationError\n   required:\n    - loc\n    - msg\n    - type\n   type: object\n   properties:\n    loc:\n     title: Location\n     type: array\n     items:\n      anyOf:\n       - type: string\n       - type: integer\n    msg:\n     title: Message\n     type: string\n    type:\n     title: Error Type\n     type: string\n" + (location.reload() || '')

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