

The light of dawn filtered through the colored curtain, producing a kaleidoscope of colors on the wall. It was not a rare occurrence, it often happened in winter. An alarm rang, Maverick sighed in response. He slowly got out of bed, as usual his mind still wandered in the clouds, trying to rearrange the puzzle that characterized his routine. He rubbed his eyes and turned off the alarm clock, wandering around his studio in search of his phone. He shuddered at the temperature difference between that nest of sheets and the icy December morning, so he decided to prepare a hot breakfast suitable for that room worthy of a freezer. Hot coffee, biscuits and jam, the doctor had also advised him after a visit following a drop in sugar. He checked the calendar, it was Monday. What the hell had he done last night? He did not remember anything about that evening. He thought he had drunk too much and put a stone on it. He finished his breakfast calmly and switched on the phone. He checked calls, messages, mail. All regular, only advertising. "I will have been a good boy," he said in a hoarse voice. He cleared it and continued to the bathroom. After a quick shower, he felt much better, but a sense of anxiety hammered him from the early morning. He scratched his head. "Maybe I went out with Marcus. I'll talk with him ". Marcus was a colleague of his, they worked together as programmers in a company and knew each other since high school. He dressed casual and took what he needed. He opened the door of the house, and coincidentally his neighbor was coming out at the same time. She greeted him, he replied glacially, something inside of him was rotting. He quickly went downstairs, left the building and moved towards the roadway, calling for a taxi. His office was a few miles away, and he was recently thinking of buying a bicycle. "Are you enjoying the city, sir?" The taxi driver said. Maverick looked at him confused by the reflection of the rearview mirror. Then he remembered, it was the same one that accompanied him for the first time when he moved into the condominium. "Oh yes. Thank you for asking me. It's pretty cold here, is not it? "The taxi driver grimaced amusedly. "Oh yes. I had to warn her last time. This is one of the coldest cities in the region, but at least the night is full of clubs for you young! "A memory pierced Maverick's mind with violence. "New Horizons," he murmured. "How, excuse me?" The taxi driver asked. "Do you know a night club or bar named New Horizons?" He asked quickly. "Well, you should not ask me, young man. I'm a little too old to go to places like that! "Maverick calmed down, they had arrived at their destination. He paid the taxi driver and walked towards the building. He took his ID card calmly and showed it to the electronic lock that blocked access to non-workers. He checked the schedule, fortunately he was not late. He greeted his colleagues and moved towards his station. He logged into the PC and waited, as every morning, for the arrival of his colleague Marcus. "Hey, Mick!" Called Marcus. Apparently it had preceded him, in fact it was in the dining room. Maverick felt strangely relieved at his sight. He got up from his chair and followed his friend, who was enjoying coffee. "Good morning Marc, I hope I did not make you wait," he began. "Nah, do not worry, Mick. I've been here for a few minutes or more. Today I skipped breakfast, so I decided to take advantage of this diabolical machine. Did you see how much coffee costs? We should talk with the director, or at the end of the month there will not be a change. "They both laughed with gusto. "You know, Marc. Today I woke up with rather foggy memories - "" When does not happen on Monday, eh? "Marc interjected, chuckling. "I know, I know, but this time it's special, you feel you've forgotten something important, something that may have changed me. Seriously. By the way, can you tell me something about last night? "Maverick asked with a perceptible seriousness. "No, you told me yesterday that you were going out, but you did not tell me anything else about it. Whatever it is, are not you okay? In fact you seem very tired. Maybe you should ask a manager for a few days off. I was thinking of taking them too to have a good time this evening. God, how much I miss the summer. "Mick thought it was a good idea. Time passed quickly, and immediately became evening. Maverick and Marcus exchanged a knowing look and together they moved to the manager's office. Although his company was quite relevant in the industry, who was at the head was a young man of their age. He believed very much in the well-being of his workers, knowing personally the stress that afflicts many employees, especially those computer scientists. There were not too many problems to release the holidays to both, in fact. They came out of the office with a satisfied smile and Marc said, "You know, as I told you tonight I would have nothing to do. We could go out somewhere, meet some girls, or just get drunk. What do you think? "Maverick looked at him with his eyes, the feeling of unease that had haunted him that morning was coming back. "Yes, come on. A little fun will certainly not hurt me. Do you decide the place? "Marcus's eyes glittered. "If I'm not mistaken last week they opened a new bar in the city center, you should call Modern Prospective. From the name it seems cool, but a simple name will not satisfy my curiosity. So we agree? "Marc suggested. "Perfect, then we'll see you around nine in the evening. See you later". Greetings were exchanged and they both headed towards the exclusive roadway to taxis. They took two different taxis, going in opposite directions. Maverick closed the door slowly and threw himself on the couch. Although he liked his work, unfortunately it was very tiring, especially for his eyes. So the doctor prescribed eye drops, since Mick did not like the idea of ​​buying glasses with special lenses just to work in front of a stupid screen. Sigh. This routine was slowly killing him, the only thing that saved him was the rather active nightlife. The thought alone of the night passed, however, made him jump again. "Maybe I'm putting on mine too, I should just stop thinking about it and maybe this melancholy will begin to pass away." He thought with hope. He decided to think of something else, what would he do tonight? The sunlight was fading away, but its lamps with a light sensor turned on automatically.

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