

Rules for using the Bot.

The Bot administration gives you access to using the Bot

Bot and its functionality on terms that are the subject of these

Rules for using the Bot. In this regard, you need

carefully read the terms of these Rules.

1. Terms used in these Rules

1.1. The Bot (or Bot) is an online resource consisting of

from the totality (a) of computer programs (program codes,

executed on a computer) and (b) information (content),

hosted by the Administration and / or Users. Bot

contained in the information system providing

the availability of such information on the Internet at a network address

(domain name): Bot (including all levels

specified domain as functioning as of the date of adoption

The user of these Rules, Both launched and entered into

operation during the whole period of its validity).

2. Status of the rules for using the Bot

2.1. These Rules for using the Bot

(previously and hereinafter - the Rules) are developed by the Bot Administration and determine

Terms of use and development of the Bot, as well as its rights and obligations

Users and Administration. The rules also apply to

relations related to the rights and interests of third parties that are not

Bot users, but whose rights and interests may be affected in

the result of the actions of Bot users.

2.2. These Rules are legally binding.

agreement between the User and the Bot Administration,

the subject of which is the provision of the Administration

Bot User access to use the Bot and its

functional. In addition to these Rules, to the agreement between

The user and the administration of the Bot are all

special documents governing the provision of access to

use of a separate, including Additional,

functionality of the Bot, located in the relevant sections

Bot on the Internet.

2.3. The user must fully familiarize themselves with these

By the rules until the transfer of any information to the Bot.

The transfer of information to the Bot from the User means complete and

unconditional acceptance by the User of these Rules.

2.4. These Rules may be amended and / or supplemented

The administration of the Bot unilaterally without any

special notice.

2.5. These Rules are open and public.

document. The current version of the Rules is located on the network

at Bot.

2.6. The Bot administration recommends that users regularly

check the terms of these Rules for changes

and / or additions. Continued use of the Bot

By the user after making changes and / or additions to

These Rules mean the acceptance and consent of the User with

such changes and / or additions.

3. The status of the Bot

3.1 Bot. Rights to the Bot in general and to

use of network address (domain name) Bot

belong to the Bot Administration. The latter provides access to the Bot to everyone

interested parties in accordance with these Rules.

4. The administration of the Bot

4.1. Under the administration of the Bot (previously and hereinafter -

Bot Administration or Administration) in these Rules

and other special documents posted on the Bot,

an individual who does not bear any

responsibility for how the User uses the Bot and for

what goals.

5. The user is prohibited from using the Bot: 5.1. register in

as the User on behalf of or instead of another person (“fake account”) or

register a group (association) of persons or a legal entity as

User. At the same time, registration is possible on behalf and on behalf of another

individual or legal entity subject to the necessary

authority in the manner and form.

5.1. Use software and take action,

aimed at disrupting the normal functioning of the Bot or

Users personal data;

5.2. Use without special permission from the Administration

Bot automated scripts (programs, Bots, crawlers) for collecting

information about the Bot and / or interaction with the Bot and its functionality;

5.3. by any means, including, but not limited to, by deception,

breach of trust, hacking, trying to sell or buy a ticket for Bot.

5.4. transfer funds at the details indicated on the Bot,

if this action is not a voluntary donation in favor

The administration of the Bot.

6. Obligations of the User Bot

6.1. provide during registration reliable, complete and current

data, monitor their updating;

6.2. Inform the Administration of the Bot about unauthorized

access to the personal page and / or about unauthorized

access and / or use of the password and login of the User;

7. The functioning of the Bot and its liability


7.1. The administration reserves the right to detain any

actions, including payment transactions on a Bot

for 99 years.

7.2. Any transfers of funds to wallets indicated on

Bot, are a voluntary donation to

Bot administration and non-refundable.

8. Final provisions

8.1. These Rules constitute the agreement

between the User and the Bot Administration regarding the order of use

Bot and its functionality and supersede all previous agreements between

User and Administration.

8.2. These Rules come into force for the User from the moment

joining them (from the moment the User visits the Bot,

regardless of whether the User has read the rules or not) and

valid for an indefinite period.

8.3. If for one reason or another one or more provisions

of these Rules will be declared invalid or not having

legal force, it does not affect the validity or

Applicability of the remaining provisions.

©2019-2020 Legacy Eight Curacao N.V., Landhuis Groot Kwartier, Groot Kwartierweg 12, Willemstad, Curacao.

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