

Jesse Sutherland

So, this post is published on, which is 's new blogging(ish) platform.

It seems super simple, but its a very powerful idea that is well executed. Instead of having a Tumblr, WordPress, Drupal, Jekyll, or Blogger blog you can just go to this site, write something (in Markdown, supposedly, although I can't figure that out yet...) and hit 'publish' and blammo, you have a url to share.

It's totally anonymous, free and easy to use. I think I might have found the perfect blogging platform for my needs - IF it gets well integrated into the main Telegram app (which for those who don't know, is a very nice messaging service you all should use instead of FB owned WhatsApp).

Telegram is also free, anonymous, encrypted (if you like), temporary (if you like) and can share all sorts of media and files. It even has emojis!

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