



Due to the new telegram rule where they can use your photos. It can be used in court cases in litigation against you. Everything you’ve ever sent becomes public from today Even messages that have been deleted or the photos not allowed. It costs nothing for a simple copy and paste, better safe than sorry. Channel 5 News talked about the change in telegram’s privacy policy. I do not give telegram or any entities associated with telegram permission to use my pictures, information, messages or posts, both past and future. With this statement, I give notice to telegram it is strictly forbidden to disclose, copy, distribute, or take any other action against me based on this profile and/or its contents. The content of this profile is private and confidential information. The violation of privacy can be punished by law (UCC 1-308- 1 1 308-103 and the Rome Statute. NOTE: telegram is now a public entity. Also in case of an investigation by any Central entity or similar, I do not have any involvement with this group/post or with the people in it, I do not know how I am here , I do not support any actions by the members of this group/post Also I don't sell groups or promote groups my account keep getting hack and used again I have nothing to do with what's going on. I'm also aware that my telegram has been hacked plenty of times and my information has been used to scam people. I'm not no cyber tech guy I don't know how to stop or block them from doing these things.

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