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TATTI, a non-specific and self-revised debit record. TATTI can notify debit based records.  The normal results assignment is actualized as a simple utilitarian module that is preoccupied with a shell that is responsible for system activity.  Bcash, Ripple, Verge, etc. will all be pronounced into TATTI by actualizing the best interface to the system layer.  The central mission of this stage is to approve all people around the world by bringing the Blockchain exchange into daily existence on a regular basis in an offer to make innovation a more global idea.  With TATTI cash, clients can easily take part in dumping coordination quickly, professionally and confidentially. With TATTI, people have alternatives that can adapt to find the right place to give "gold".  By naughty of a switch,  bionetwork will offer a decent fuse and apparatus that empowers them to deal with large-scale exchanges that I know you know every living thing knows the importance of this.  The cerebrum behind this progress is to ensure a more important level of total population using cryptographic forms of money in implementing and relating to each other without restriction or pettiness.  As the peak, the designers of this thousand-year exhibit show TATTI which is a non-specific and self-correct debit record. TATTI can provide an example of clearing-based records such as those that have been modified.  The consistent results activity is executed as a practical module daydreaming into the shell responsible for setting tasks.  In this way, Bcash, Ripple, Verge,  and so on will all be pronounced into TATTI by actualizing the correct intersection point to the system layer.  Most fundamentally, TATTI supports the Meta renewal that conventions can advance by revising their own specific framework.  To achieve this, TATTI begins with a seed convention that characterizes a system for the hodler to confirm adjustments to the convention, including changes to the method of voting itself. This is not at all like Peter Suber's Nomic Thinker [3], an entertainment working around a truly thoughtful set of principles.  Moreover, the TATTI seed convention relies on impeccable evidence of the Turing scheme of complete intelligent value and support support.  Graphs are taken after providing the viewpoint of elusidation of the stage, with the ultimate goal of accentuation.  Most fundamentally, TATTI supports the Meta renewal that conventions can advance by revising their own specific framework.  To achieve this, TATTI begins with a seed convention that characterizes a system for the hodler to confirm adjustments to the convention, including changes to the method of voting itself. This is not at all like Peter Suber's Nomic Thinker [3], an entertainment working around a truly thoughtful set of principles.  Moreover, the TATTI seed convention relies on impeccable evidence of the Turing scheme of complete intelligent value and support support.  Graphs are taken after providing the viewpoint of elusidation of the stage, with the ultimate goal of accentuation.  Most fundamentally, TATTI supports the Meta renewal that conventions can advance by revising their own specific framework.  To achieve this, TATTI begins with a seed convention that characterizes a system for the hodler to confirm adjustments to the convention, including changes to the method of voting itself. This is not at all like Peter Suber's Nomic Thinker [3], an entertainment working around a wholly dreamy arrangement of principles.  Moreover, the TATTI seed convention relies on impeccable evidence of the Turing scheme of complete intelligent value and support support.  Graphs are taken after providing the viewpoint of elusidation of the stage, with the ultimate goal of accentuation.  TATTI begins with a seed convention that characterizes a system for the hodler to confirm adjustments to the convention, including changes to the method of voting itself.  This is not at all like Peter Suber's Nomic Thinker [3], an entertainment working around a wholly dreamy arrangement of principles. Moreover, the TATTI seed convention relies on impeccable evidence of the Turing scheme of complete intelligent value and support support.  Graphs are taken after providing the viewpoint of elusidation of the stage, with the ultimate goal of accentuation.  TATTI begins with a seed convention that characterizes a system for the hodler to confirm adjustments to the convention, including changes to the method of voting itself.  This is not at all like Peter Suber's Nomic Thinker [3], an entertainment working around a wholly dreamy arrangement of principles.  Moreover, the TATTI seed convention relies on impeccable evidence of the Turing scheme of complete intelligent value and support support. Graphs are taken after providing the viewpoint of elusidation of the stage, with the ultimate goal of accentuation.  The TATTI seed concession is dependent on the unmixed evidence of the value framework and Turing's support of a complete intelligent contract.  Graphs are taken after providing the viewpoint of elusidation of the stage, with the ultimate goal of accentuation.  The TATTI seed concession is dependent on the unmixed evidence of the value framework and Turing's support of a complete intelligent contract.  Graphs are taken after providing the viewpoint of elusidation of the stage, with the ultimate goal of accentuation.

Working scenario:  

TATTI will work on 3 principles:  

First is that excretion should be really peer-to-peer - no need for any third party.  For thousands of years, we have exchanged direct value for the skills or services of others;  a third party is a compromise.

The second is that true meritocracy will provide the best experience for all users;  the best providers should get the most, and should charge the most for their services.  The third is that the careful design can be used to fulfill  

the promise  -  the promise of quality, and the interface can provide an experience without boundaries between the digital world and the real world.  With these principles, we invest our time and money to realize that vision.  From concept in 1990, development in 2015 and a successful soft-drop in 2017 in a small broken crapper, the TATTI project is being delivered.

With the power of Block-Chain zero technology, TATTI can deliver in the next phase of this journey.  New providers are given a 7 day exposure boost to ensure they can penetrate an established provider base.  All providers are given the opportunity to continuously improve their profile and behavior to ensure maximum exposure.  TATTI is an end-to-end solution that provides discovery, engagement, ordering, tracking, payment, receipt issuance and review.  TATTI also includes free free media messages, free voice calls and free quotes & invoicing services.

Unwanted Escrow Hedged In Development  

At the heart of the transaction process is an intelligent contract that secures guaranteed cryptocurrency for the provider.  With the Ethereum smart contract, users do not need to trust platforms or third parties to send their cryptocurrency.  Note: This is the third most meaningful explanation in this Brownpaper.

Tatticoin will be used for interconnection and interrelation within the ecosystem and will ensure the right to log in platform users, all the same.  500,000,000 coins have been made in total.  Coins will be anchored on the smart contracts provided by the Ethereum platform to ensure transparency.

Pictures on request tatti bounty

For more information visit:

Website:   https://www.tatticoin.com/how-it-works/  . 

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/TattiCoin

Telegram:  https://t.me/tattibounty

Facebook:   http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=158562321439312

Sedang:   https://medium.com / tatticoin BROWNPAPER:  https://drive.google.com/file/d/1pEDNZ_80FfLZzzW5294n26Ywpc5se0jX/view

 profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1624619

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