

Purity Club
No Taboo

In our society where the concept is shameful (taboo), do you think it is appropriate to openly talk about sexuality?

First of all, this topic is a hot issue among the youth. Though, we don't talk about it with families, elders, or society without shame. And yes, this concept is mostly a "taboo". The problem here is that the youth can't see the whole picture because part of the society with experience and wisdom is too ashamed to talk about sexuality thus, the youth will go to places where he/she could get answers without shame or judgment i.e the media, peers or the internet. Shame & secrecy only bring perversion to the topic. It doesn't help anyone rather destroys the youth's perception when keeping what is natural & normal as a secret. So, we're saying let's talk about it, let's talk about sexuality, let's talk about immorality, let's talk about what the youth is suffering from behind closed doors. There is a saying "WITH KNOWLEDGE COMES POWER AND WITH POWER COMES RESPONSIBILITY." If we deal with the truth about our nature in sexuality and the immorality among the youth, we will have the power and responsibility to manage our sexual life and inspire our society to purity.




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