Sunshine 🌷

Sunshine 🌷

– ur peri, Neira.

He is the best man i have ever met, he is a strong man with my child's attitude, he is the first man i introduced to my family, he is the man who is always there for me until now, you said what i like about him? of course his eyes, his lips, his nose, his eyebrow, his eyelashes, his cheeks, his hair, his laugh, his cute teeth, his sweet smile, his romantic words and everything about him i like. what i don't like is when he doesn't want to talk about this problems to me, i don't like it when he is always stressed about his problems but he doesn't want to talk about it. i want to be with him until my last breath i don't want to leave him alone, i don't want to see my man cry, stressed with his problems and family problems or not. i just want to see my man succed with his dreams, i want to see him happy with me or without me every time he's sad i always feel like a partner who fails to make him happy, i always try to be a good partner and always understand him when he is not in the mood or not. i'm sorry if i don't understand you well, i love you so much more than i love myself, everyone you are the man i have loved so deeply.

૮꒰ ˶• ༝ •˶꒱ა .. ♡︬ with love % Neira.

Reminder to all of us hidup itu pilihan dan ketika kamu gagal jangan menyerah, coba sekali lagi karena hidup adalah tentang belajar dari kesalahan. i mean hari ini mungkin gagal tapi ga tau besok kan sayang? dan kalo pun besok gagal lagi it's okayyyy cintaaaku!. perjalanan ga berhenti di situ aja masih banyak peluang selagi mau berusaha. gak ada yang tahu masa depan engga ada yang tahu besok, kamu masih bisa usaha mertahanin apa yang kamu punya sekarang, you did it so well. i'm proud of you. 🤍

Aris Saputra, do u know? how much i love you? well if u want to know, i tell u something first. aku masih g percaya bisa ketemu sama orang sebaik dan sesabar kamu. u're soft, kamu lembut. u treat me like a princess, that i've never felt happiness like this. kamu berbeda, kamu adalah jawaban dari segala yang aku mau. even if someone says "why u want to be with him all the time?" well kamu tempat aku berlindung, dari segalanya. thanks for being always by myside, always dengerin keluh kesah aku. big sorry aku sering bikin kamu kesel, annoying kamu. well, i did it all for u. aku engga mau berbagi dengan siapapun jika taruhannya itu kamu, i won't. so please, stay by myside all the time. even world can separate us, i don't care af. i just, love u so much more than anything, Aris. 3<

Aku, ada pict pict lucu. siapa tau, ini bisa buat kamu makin semangat, tolong di baca yaaaaa! 🤍🧚‍♂️

Thankyou, karena sudah mau lihat 👀 hadiah aku untuk kamu, semoga apa yang aku berikan kepadamu, bisa membuat hari harimu menjadi menyenangkan yaa?. selamat membaca, kalau sudah sampai sini jangan lupa di baca hadiah yang lain yaaaa.. mungkin ini gak seberapa, tapi aku buatnya pakai sepenuh hati dan sepenuh cintaaku!

bubaaaayyyy yisaaaa! i love you so much ❤

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