StasyQ – A unique platform with high-quality content of erotic nature, functioningsince 2015. Its main advantage over other similar sites is the careful selection of professional and amateur models, publications of high resolution video clips, photographs with correct exposure and exclusive author's style. Today, it is an incredibly popular resource, visited by 600,000-1,000,000 people worldwide every month.

Priority objectives of the project:

• Create a unique platform for viewing and sharing erotic content, where models and producers receive income directly from users, bypassing payment services

• Ensure an equitable distribution of model/producer income and reduce transaction costs

• Increase the privacy and security of users by paying for viewing content in cryptocurrency

• Develop a solution of implementation of cryptocurrency on websites withsimilar content


We will create a unique platform for adults, where anyone will be able to relax and get aesthetic pleasure. We will unite hundreds of thousands of users, models and producers in one place. We will create a platform where you can not only enjoy your leisure time, but also earn excellent money

Enjoy your leisure time, relax or earn excellent money

StasyCoin — a perfect solution Perfect for pleasure for the adult industry


Blockchain technology have a number of undeniable advantages over payment

systems. The major advantages for all participants are as follows:

Advantages for users:

• There are no large fees

• There are no risks arising from the use of payment services

• All transactions are anonymous

• There is no threat to personal and payment data

Advantages for models, producers

• There are no large fees

• Fair distribution of income

• There are no risks arising from the use of payment services

How will blockchain technologies affect the improvement and development of the adult industry? Among the main advantages are transparent calculations between the user and the system as well as minimum commission for making payments. StasyQ token (SQOIN) is an ERC20 token and a smart contract system built on the Ethereum protocol. SQOIN will allow:

• Increase the anonymity of users

• Improve data security

• Get rid of commission billing services

• Get rid of middlemen who leave up to 90% of the income of models and producers to themselves

• Prevent the possibility of blocking bank accounts SQOIN emission constitutes 350,000,000 tokens, namely: — 245,000,000 — will be distributed during the ICO — 17,500,000 — used for PR and campaign bounty — 87,500,000 — will be shared between the StasyQ command; part will be saved for further project support.


The StаѕуQ Tоkеn (SQOIN)

StаѕуQ Token iѕ a utility tоkеn аnd itѕ рurроѕе iѕ tо fасilitаtе ѕеrviсеѕ оn the StasyQ рlаtfоrm. Thrоugh the token sale, thе future uѕеr acquires thе futurе rightѕ tо uѕе thе StаѕуQ рlаtfоrm.

SQOIN does not have thе lеgаl ԛuаlifiсаtiоn аѕ a ѕесuritу. SQOIN is finаl and non-refundable. SQOIN iѕ nоt a share аnd does nоt give аnу right tо раrtiсiраtе in the gеnеrаl meetings оf StasyQ.

SQOIN will nоt hаvе a раrtiсulаr usage оutѕidе the StasyQ platform. Thе рurсhаѕе оf SQOIN ѕhаll therefore nоt be dоnе fоr speculative uѕаgе.

SQOIN саn bе рurсhаѕеd during the сrоwdѕаlе dirесtlу from the Cоmраnу or thе crowd ѕаlе аt thе Cоmраnу оr еxсhаngеr.

Token supply is limited – 350,000,000 SQOIN

All unsold tokens will be burned

StasyQ platform will regulary burn

SQOIN tokens

Users will have to buy SQOIN to be able to view StasyQ content

High scale of SQOIN – easily integrated solution for sites, producers and models with the similar type of content.




350,000,000 SQOIN




20,000 ETH

Token distribution

The funds collected during the ICO will allow to continue development and to implement the blockchain technology in StasyQ. The more funds are collected, the larger scale we reach.

245,000,000 SQOIN 70%

17,500,000 SQOIN 5% PR, bounty

87,500,000 SQOIN 25% Team

ICO funds distribution

• Marketing

60% SMM, PR-articles

• Operational

15% content and model moderation, new content creation

• Legal

5% Legal and law expenses

• Development

20% team will increase by 15–20 me

• Stasynomics

StasyCoin (SQOIN) — ERC20 token and smart contract system, based on Ethereum blockchain protocol.

SQOIN is designed to solve the most frustrating problems in the adult industry

Popularity of SQOIN

Token supply is limited — 350,000,000 SQOIN

All unsold tokens will be burned

StasyQ platform will regulary burn SQOIN tokens

Users will have to buy SQOIN to be able to view StasyQ content

High scale of SQOIN — easily integrated solution for sites, producers and models with the similar type of content.

Limited token offer at the market — the project motivates models to hold tokens on their accounts to get advantages.


For more information please visit the links below;




Ann Thread:




Author: BrainerdPaul

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